Hard Time Sleeping

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It's about 11:30 now and you still can't sleep. You get up and head to the editing room which is where Colby is. You rub your eyes as you stand in the door way with Colby's hoodie and undies on waiting for him to notice you. A minute or two passes when Colby starts to stretch and notices you. "Ah. Jesus Christ, you scared me babe." Colby says as he moves his chair around so hes now facing you in the door way. "Sorry.." you mumble heading over to him and siting on his lap. "What're you still doing up? It's late baby." Colby says as he pushes hair out of your face. "I can't sleep.." you mumble before he chuckles and lays your head down on his shoulder. You move your face to his neck and get comfy on his lap. "Let me just finish this one part and we can go to bed, ok sweetheart?" Colby says as he turns his chair back around to face the computer with you in his lap. You nod as you feel yourself slowly drifting off to sleep as Colby runs his hand up and down your back. You fell asleep but woke up a little later from Colby standing up and walking to the bedroom. He lays you down softly then takes off his shirt and climbs into bed. "You're always up so late babe.." you say quietly as you cuddled up to him. "I know, I'm sorry baby, how about this every other night I'll go to bed when you do and on the nights I don't you can cuddle with me in the chair just like tonight so you can get your beauty sleep, not that you need anymore beauty." He says finishing it off as you both chuckle then he brushing your hair from your face tracking his hand down your face to your chin. He softly kisses you and you smile making him smile. "Alright baby, let's get some sleep." He says as he pulls you closer, his head on top of yours and your face on his chest. Before falling asleep you hear Colby say "I love you darling, goodnight" and kissed your forehead. 

AN: Hi guys, It's my first public writing. Tell me what y'all would like to see and give me a minimum amount of words, I want y'all to enjoy having Colby with you just like I do so tell me what you guys want. HAVE A GOOD NIGHT OR DAY! <3 

(420 words total minus these lol) 

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