Chapter 14

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"Jungkook's still not home?" Seokjin asked Jimin as he was summoned for their lunch. He still did not see Jungkook after his grandfather asked for him last night. It's the weekend and Jungkook knows that Seokjin will be going out tonight.

"Not yet, Jinnie, but he'll be here tonight. I think your sal-abeoji has a special project for him. Did you text him?" Jimin answered.

"I did. He replied last night just a simple goodnight and did not tell me when he should be home when I actually asked for it in the message." He said quite sadly.

"Don't worry, he should be back here tonight. Do you need anything from him? Me and Namjoon can help you out if you need anything."

"Not really but he told you I will be out tonight with Sehun-ssi and his friends, right?" Seokjin asked wondering why Jungkook is not making it a big deal or asking him to not go out.

"He did. He said there's no need to watch you over since you have requested for a time with your friends but you can call us anytime in case you need help." Jimin said.

"I see."

"Are you scared?" Jimin asked seeing the disappointment in Seokjin's eyes. "If you are scared, no need for you to go just to build friendship with others."

"N-no! That's not it. I'm just nervous since this is the first time that I'll be going out without Jungkook."

"Oh, is that so? I thought you wanted Jungkook to let you be?"

Jin pouted. "But... fine. I'll do whatever I want to do. I'm an adult anyway." He said angrily while taking a bite of the food served by Jimin.

Jimin just smiled at him knowing exactly what Seokjin is thinking.

After having their lunch, Seokjin went back to his room to finish some of his assignments. He promised Jungkook that he won't go out with friends until he gets to complete all his school works and that's what he was trying to do now.

After completing whatever he needed to, he looked at his phone and was sad by the fact that Jungkook still not leave a message to him.

He messaged Jungkook saying he completed all his school assignments and should prepare in meeting Sehun in few hours.

He kept on checking his phone but still no response. He decided that he should not bother himself on it for now as this is a typical Jungkook, when he works, he works. It's just that it's different now than before. He can bother Jungkook at their mansion before whenever he works except if it's on the field, but now he can't just go to where Jungkook is and bother him. It made him feel sad but he totally understood the reason behind it.

After few hours, he decided to just prepare in meeting Sehun on his friend's house for the college weekend party. He was excited because this is the first time he'll attend such and he doesn't know what it would really look like. He watched some movies that have some college parties but he's not sure if it's the same in real life.

He told Jimin that he can get a taxi going to the place as he did not want their cover to be revealed but he had to prepare earlier because booking a car might be harder.


Seokjin looked himself at the mirror. It's already 8 at night and the party should be starting by now. Sehun said he does not need to prepare much and can wear just simple clothes as they'll just be at home and there's no special event. He thought it's too simple as he's just wearing a button up dress shirt in white and usual blue jeans.

"Wow! Someone looks gorgeous." Jimin said when he peaked through Seokjin's door.

Seokjin blushed by the compliment.

"Should I book you a taxi?" Jimin asked.

"No need, I have the app here. I'll book it now. Thank you, Jiminie-hyung." He said then picked up his phone to book the car.

"Okay. Enjoy the party then." Jimin said leaving Seokjin.

When Seokjin got out of the car, he is nervous. He saw that the house is big for a college student, but Sehun said this is owned by his friend's parents and they allowed the party. As he walked towards the house, he can hear the loud music and people shouting from the inside. He stopped on his steps and thought it's a bad decision to spend his time here since this is not his usual audience.

He turned around and was about to leave when he heard his name.

"Seokjin!" Sehun said running towards him.

"Hey!" Seokjin said turning his body again and now towards Sehun.

"Were you just about to leave?" Sehun asked.

"Y-yeah. Sorry, it's m-my f-first time attending a c-college p-party like this." He answered with his nerves getting into him already.

Sehun got closer to him. "Don't worry, I'll take care of you." He said then pulling him by his hand.

He then gave Seokjin a red cup served by another college student they passed by as they opened the door of the house. "I-I d-don't d-drink." Seokjin said politely as he smelt the alcohol on the cup handed to him. He isn't sure if he was heard because the music was louder when he got inside.

"Don't worry, you'll enjoy it eventually. It's sweet because it has a mixture of juice." He said.

"I might probably just get juice." Seokjin said handing the cup back to Sehun.

"Okay. Let me get you some. Wait for me here." Sehun said leaving Seokjin on a couch with some people that Seokjin is not familiar with.

He was surprised when he saw some of the students rubbing themselves on each other. His ears got red watching them and imagined Jungkook and him doing it, but that was not even better. He wished Jungkook's with him right now.

Some people are also eyeing at him and offering him some drinks that he politely declined while waiting for Sehun.

"You've got a nice boy there, Sehun. He looks so handsome and innocent." Kai, one of Sehun's friends said.

"I know. So innocent that he can only drink juice." Sehun chuckled.

"Really, dude? Well, you've got yourself a jackpot!" Kai said. "I wonder if you'll share it to us."

"Of course. I will make sure to have a taste of him first. This night will be so memorable for him." He said while refilling the cup with a juice he got from the fridge. "By the way, I got my drugs left upstairs. Do you have some there? I gotta give him something strong since you'd want to have a taste, too, right?"

"That's my man." Kai chuckled. "Here. This was supposed to be for Baekhyun's visitor but looks like they won't need it as they're already doing it upstairs. The boy he took is not so innocent as yours. You'll need this. Message when the effect takes place. I want to watch."

"You can watch on the second round. First round is all mine, I'll wreck him and make sure he'll only serve me after." Sehun said then put the drug on the drink he was holding.

Seokjin smiled at him as soon as he saw him bringing his drink. He handed the cup to him while he got his own alcoholic drink on the other.

"Here." He said smiling at Seokjin and putting his hand over Seokjin's shoulder.

The latter blushed by the gesture and to hide it, he took a sip of his juice.

Sehun smirked at him and signalled a thumbs-up to Kai.

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