Draco's first days in Hogwarts

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Draco got a few weeks ago finally his Hogwarts letter. He finally gets to learn magic. Which he already can do of course, or that's what he thinks.

Draco is on platform 9¾. His mother, Narcissa, brought him here. His father, Lucius, was "too busy" to bring him. He doesn't want anyone to see him with his mother. Even though he loves her, he doesn't want to admit that. he starts walking faster in the direction of the train. As expected his mother follows him.

"I can walk to the train myself, mother, you're embarrassing me!" Draco snarls at his mother.

"You are too stubborn. Come closer, Draco. I want a proper goodbye!" Narcissa ignores his snarls and dirty looks.

Draco glares and scowls at his mother as she speaks, but reluctantly allows her to get a small hug before turning back to walk towards the train. Narcissa, however, doesn't let him go that easily. She follows behind him, refusing to let go of his arm when he tries to shake free of her grasp.

Draco, scowling once more at her, is unable to believe he's actually being forced to admit he's a mothers boy, and his pride is fighting back with all its might. But, as stubborn as he is, he also knows that he'll never win when he's up against a determined mother, like Narcissa, and so he eventually gives up fighting. He gives her a tight hug, before he steps on the train.

In the train, Draco is with Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle, his childhood friends who do literally everything for him. They are like his army. He acts like he doesn't care about them, but actually he cares really much, since they are his only friends. He also meets Pansy Parkinson on the train, a girl whose as arrogant as Draco, but he doesn't notice. He only notices how pretty she is. She's convinced that she's in Slytherin. Which makes Draco kind of impressed, but he doesn't say that. He sits next to her in a compartment. He can't stop glancing over at her. She's so pretty. He wants to impress her a bit in the hope she will fall for him later. Or that they at least can become good friends.

He tells his army (his "friends") that he's so good at magic already and amazing on a broom. They aren't convinced he's that good already, but they are happy for him. He just wants to impress them, but he mostly wants to impress Pansy of course. It works, they are kind of impressed. But he didn't show anything yet, so they don't know of they could believe him.

Draco and the boys get changed into their uniform for Hogwarts. It doesn't have a house logo yet. Draco knows he has to get in Slytherin. It kind of bothers him that he's on so much pressure. But his father wants him into Slytherin, so he has no choice. He has to get put into Slytherin! As the Hogwarts express gets closer to Hogwarts he gets more and more nervous. It gets harder to remain calm but he successes to focus on remaining calm.

"Just don't think about the houses, Draco." He keeps telling himself.

The train arrives and they go to Hogwarts with little boats. He enjoys it, which he also doesn't want to admit. Its cute. Sailing over this lake, makes him help to remain calm. They get a beautiful view of Hogwarts. Its has all light on it, like its full of candles. Draco also enjoys the night. Its dark, but the air is full with stars.

Time skip to Hogwarts, in the great hall.

The first years walk into the great hall, leaded by McGonagall. Draco looks around. All the other students sit at their house tables. The ceiling represents the weather right now. There are candles floating in the air. All the students are talking with each other. Draco looks at the Slytherin table. The teachers sit also at a table at the end of the great hall. He sees professor Snape, he heard about Snape before. He remembers his father talking about Severus Snape. Draco knows he's a death eater. He's always at the death eater meetings.

The sort hat ceremony starts. He meets Harry Potter and his friends: that ginger and mudblood. He looks at Harry.

"He could be in Slytherin." Draco mumbles to himself.

Harry hears Draco mumbling: "What did you say?"


"It didn't sound like nothing."

"It was nothing."

"Okay, right..."

Harry isn't convinced it was nothing, but he keeps his mouth shut.

Draco starts talking again: "I'm Draco btw, Draco Malfoy."

"Harry Potter." Harry answers.

Draco thinks this could be a good friendship. He likes Harry his personality.

Before the hat even touches Draco's head it already says Slytherin. Draco is happy. All the pressure is gone. He stands up and walks to the Slytherin table. He sits down next to Crabbe and Goyle and watches the rest of the ceremony.

"Harry Potter! Your turn." Professor McGonagall says.

Harry looks nervous and walks over to the hat. The hat gets placed on his head by McGonagall and it starts thinking. Its a difficult choice (or at least that's what the hat says).

"Hmm. Difficult. Very difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind either. There's talent, oh my goodness, yes — and a nice thirst to prove yourself, now that's interesting... So where shall I put you?" The sorting says in a annoying, slow tone.

"Not Slytherin, not Slytherin." Harry whispers, so only the sorting hat can hear.

"Not Slytherin, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know, it's all here in your head, and Slytherin will help you on the way to greatness, no doubt about that — no? Well, if you're sure — better be GRYFFINDOR!" The sorting hat yells.

Everyone from Gryffindor starts cheering, being happy the boy who lived is in their house.

All the students are talking, until professor Dumbledore, the headmaster, draws the attention

"Welcome to a new year at Hogwarts! Before we begin our banquet, I would like to say a few words. And here they are: Nitwit! Blubber! Oddment! Tweak!
Thank you!"

Everyone starts eating. The houses are happy with their new students. Draco looks sad. He really thought Harry would be in Slytherin. He hates Harry for being in Gryffindor. He just wanted to be friends...

Writer notes:

This is the first chapter of this new story. Since its the first chapter, lemme introduce myself:

I'm Roos. Im 13 y/o and almost 14 y/o.

I LOVE Harry Potter, especially Draco

I'm actually an editor, but I made Slytherin boys react too, a few weeks ago. People started asking me if I could write a Wattpad story, so that's why I'm here :)

Make sure to follow me on Tiktok:
- _ccpottah

And Instagram:

If you have ideas for a new story/chapter you can contact me on different social media. You can dm me on Tiktok on Instagram. I'm not really active on Instagram so I prefer Tiktok.


Other ways to contact me:


Roosvanzeeland@gmail.com (not really active on)/


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06 ⏰

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