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Yn had come back to mansion. She was on her way to her room but stoped when she heard "ahh...ahh...f-fuck..ahh" the sound came from jungkook's room! She knew, already jungkook is a mafia fuckboy!!
It hurted her, because jungkook is her husband even if he is mafia or whatever but she couldn't control her tears and ran to her room...

"Why should I care? Let him do whatever he wants...but..but I'm his wife, isn't it? Still he hates me! Well, fucking with other girls? But why yn? Why should you care?  Even Im not in love with him. He is a mafia! A deadly mafia..who fucks and kills!"  Yn said to herself and went for a shower.


Jungkook was getting ready to go to office and then he got a call from jimin. Jimin is jungkook's best friend, from childhood.

On the call-

"Hyy jungkookie, how are you?" Jimin said.

"I'm good hyung, what about you?" Jungkook said, a bit rudeness in his voice.

"Not bad, um..I called you to invite for a party.. would you like to come?" Jimin asked.

"Yah hyung sure, but when?"

"Today..at 6.pm" jimin said.


"Um.. jungkook, let your wife com-" jimin was about to say but jungkook spoke then,

"I don't want that bitch there!"  Jungkook said, coldly.

"But jungkookie, it's a family party! Your wife should be with you! Just take her."  Jimin said.

At first, jungkook didn't agree with jimin but then after jimin forcing him, he agreed.

After talking to jimin, jungkook went to yn's room. And informed her about the party.
Yn just said "okey". Even if she doesn't wanna go, she has to!


It's 5:20 pm, yn was waiting for jungkook at the parking area as he said to wait there, within 5 minutes jungkook came and then they left to jimin's house.

By Reaching jimin's house, jimin greeted both of them with a cute smile.

Yn's pov ~

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Yn's pov ~

Ow..this small guy is looking so cute, i thought he would be like jungkook but no he at least smile...!

"Hi yn, I'm jimin" he said, Moving his hands towards me.

"Hy jimin nice to meet you"  i said with a smile giving him hand shake.

And then we went inside the house, which is so aesthetic and big! But Not than jungkook's.

Getting inside jungkook saw one of his business partner and went towards them. Yah, he even didn't care that I'll be alone or there's no one here who i knows! And why should he?

Not knowing what to do, i started walking but unfortunately I jumped into someone and they fell down Oops..! I didn't know what to do, everyone was starting at us even jungkook!

"Sorry" i said,

"Don't you have eyes huh?" That guy asked me, angrily

"S-sorry i-"  i was about to say something but jungkook stoped me. Oh no... he's gonna kill me.

"Can't you walk properly?" Jungkook said, rudely.

I didn't know what to say, I'm about to cry but i don't wanna cry.

I saw jimin was looking at me. But not angrily, he was looking at me normally. but a bit sadness, why?

I again said sorry but nothing's gonna change, jungkook grabbed my hand angrily with hurted my hand and then went outside the house to parking area.

"You are useless!" Jungkook said. Hearing this, my tears dropped! I tried my best to not but i couldn't hold it anymore.

"Get inside the car" he shouted 

I didn't say anything. just did what he said. It was fully silence till reaching the mension.

"Wipe your fucking tears and go to your room" jungkook said and went to his room angrily.

Actually what I did? Just hit a guy unknowingly, was it a big mistake? Ah, maybe for rich people it is but why they have to shout that much? U-useless? Am I useless? Really am i?

the Devil Mafia King \ 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 𝐉𝐮𝐧𝐠𝐤𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐅𝐅Where stories live. Discover now