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An arranged marriage was something neither of you was looking forward to after JUST turning 18. Marriage was a lifelong commitment, and being forced into it with someone you only considered an acquaintance made you feel like a mouse stuck in a closed trap with no escape.

Satoru Gojo wasn't necessarily a terrible person nor was he an eyesore. A very beautiful man with a teenage-like personality and a massive ego. Sure, he was someone's cup of tea, but he wasn't yours.

And at the time, you weren't his either.

The arrogance you carried around was unknown to only you. Cocky and always making him feel incredibly stupid in all of his decisions. You were an annoyance he couldn't get rid of and it was all because of the dreaded rings you were forced to wear.

Your families held high hopes that the marriage would spark an undeniable love and you'd have multiple children, one bound to bear the combination of both yours and Satoru's cursed techniques and surpass Satoru to become the strongest sorcerer.... But your families couldn't have been any more misguided.

In the end, it lasted 3 years before you both simply couldn't handle it anymore and went your separate ways. Being young with zero relationship experience made the entire time an absolute mess. There were attempts at affection and love, but it never came naturally and even after 3 years, you hadn't been intimate with each other not once; this, along with arguments and a constant misunderstanding of one another made you both unquestionably miserable.

Despite this, it didn't end on bad terms. Neither of you hated the other and whilst both working at Jujutsu High, it remained civil.

You cared about him and considered him a good friend, however, it was fairly obvious how fond Satoru himself had grown of you over the years. Flirting, sly remarks, and subtle gestures that showed not only you but everyone else just how much you meant to him.

And truthfully, he'd grown to heavily regret the divorce.

And so did you. Only you chose to pretend it didn't haunt your deepest dreams or live in the back of your mind as a 'what if'. Instead, you claimed to have moved on without any regard for what your past was.

But there was a heavy tension that lingered whenever you stood next to him in a room. Close proximities. Eye contact. Flirtatious remarks. Gentle and swift touches. Smiles that weren't there prior.

And Satoru had accepted what he had felt.

However, your stubborn tongue continued to constantly remind everyone, he was simply a friend.

Your heels clicked against the floorboards down the wooden hallways of the school as you made your way toward his classroom. You already knew what this was going to entail the second you walked through the doorway, so, you prepared with a deep breath as you lowered your shoulders, ready to shut down every remark he'd make.

"Satoru," you spoke, sliding the door open to interrupt whatever he talking about with his students.

Blue eyes lit up beneath his blindfold, immediately cutting off his lecture as a sly smile curved onto his face. "There's my beautiful wife." An introduction he's given countless times and every single time it annoyed you just the same.

Your pretty eyes rolled as you stepped into the classroom. "We're not married anymore." You spoke boredly, acting unbothered which he blissfully ignored, wanting to egg you on. "I love it when you play hard to get." He playfully smirked as he leaned off of the podium his tall figure was resting against, making his way towards you. "What brings you here?" He asked.

You let out a sigh of annoyance, "I'm not playing hard to get, Satoru. If I remarry, it'd be Nanami before it'd be you." You insulted, "Anyway, I need to talk with you for a moment." You lifted your hand, placing the folded slip between your index and middle finger before swaying it side to side. "If you're not busy."

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