Chapter Eight | Room 917.

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It had been 7 minutes since her appointment started.

Ava stayed in the empty room all by herself, secretly grateful that no one had come in yet.

And she was on the floor, hugging her knees. Letting the dark and dim lights not illuminate anything in the room. She kept it that way for her comfort. She could barely see anyone in this setting.

That was the plan.

Man can't see her. She can't see man.

Part of the reason why is because her body was now adorned with dread.

She was a pussy.

And that's okay. She'd rather be one than not be one. Keeps you alive and shit.

The room had one small and sealed window, a window big enough to stare outside of until you'd get wooed by the sky's sight. The bed was good and comfortable. There were mirrors, but they all were single-sided, which was safe. It looked minimalistic and cosy. 

Candles and tea were kept near the closet, something she was surprised to see. There was no bathroom, but there was everything she'd expect in a setting like this.

Condoms, lube, Plan B, roses, even mints.

Seeing all those products arranged beautifully on the bedside table made her feel nauseous.

It was like a wake-up call.

Of like oh, this is what I came here to do?


Only then did she realise she might've made a big mistake.

All of it was crashing down upon her.

Because as she sat alone for 7 minutes, she understood that the duration of 1.5 hours was too long. Time was slowing down, meaning none of this was being enjoyed. And worse yet, she could hear a rave happening on the floors below her and above her. 

From both sides of the walls, she could feel the bass of the music. Even if she was on the 9th floor.

The bass of the music kept her busy. She prayed that no man entered the room just yet.

She couldn't even leave the room if she wanted to. A mass of people gathered on the 9th floor for some reason that she was unaware of. It would be hell to get out of it.

She could hear everyone talking at the same time.

It increased her anxiety.

She hugged herself tighter.

"Escorts are supposed to do what we say," Ava told herself in comfort, feeling helpless after not being able to even keep her belongings away.

Why'd she ever think she could take off a dress in front of a stranger?

As easy as a nightstand might seem, it's equally hard to expose yourself to them.

Mommy and Daddy always said don't talk to strangers.

She believed sex was also included in the talk.

"I'll just say I've got a stomach bug. He'll understand." Ava shook her head, burying her face into her lap after descending onto the wall behind her. And she stayed there.

Away from her home.

Away from her family. Her friends.

Hardly having any cash in her with her phone having to stay on silent mode.

"What have I done?" Ava cried, feeling like all the voices were getting louder. And they were. It was annoying.

Most of the people were in front of her room now. Bustling away.

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