---character introduction 'HADES'---

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His life began with difficulties and suffering when he was taken in by a family that showed him no warmth or understanding. From the earliest years, he experienced loneliness and oppression.Hades was the only glimmer of hope in a family whose hearts were frozen in the ice of indifference.

His younger years were marked by the vile treatment from his adoptive father, who both physically and mentally abused him. His mother, absorbed in her own interests, showed him no care or love...

His only support was his older brother, Aaron, who tried to shield Hades from the cruelty of their world. However, fate was not kind to Hades. At an age when other children played carefree, Hades found himself in a situation that forever changed his life. Through a tragic accident, of which he was an accidental perpetrator, he lost his father, who had been a tyrant to him.

Rejection from his mother, humiliating experiences at school, and battles with his own internal demons pushed Hades to the brink of madness.
He sought solace in romantic relationships, often falling into obsessive relationships with individuals much older than himself, craving only a shred of acceptance and love.His life seemed to be an endless struggle. At the age of fifteen, during a dramatic incident at school, Hades was forced to defend himself, which unexpectedly ended in tragedy. This event plunged him even deeper into the abyss of his own thoughts.

At the age of 19, Hades stands tall at approximately 189 centimeters with a striking brunet mane.(later he will dye his hair red and black :p)  He exudes an air of enigmatic allure, his features chiseled yet softened by an aura of mystery. A solitary figure by choice, he finds solace in the embrace of his own thoughts, relishing the tranquility of his own company amidst the chaos of the world.

As a self-professed introvert, Hades is not one to seek the limelight of social gatherings. Instead, he finds his true passion in the solitude of his room, where the soothing melodies of his electric and acoustic guitars echo off the walls, serving as a sanctuary for his soul. With nimble fingers dancing across the strings, he pours his emotions into each chord, expressing the depths of his innermost thoughts and feelings.

Beyond his musical pursuits, Hades possesses a diverse range of talents and interests. A culinary enthusiast at heart, he delights in experimenting with flavors and textures, transforming simple ingredients into culinary masterpieces that tantalize the palate. In moments of introspection, he finds respite in the strokes of his paintbrush, channeling his emotions onto the canvas in vibrant hues and intricate patterns.

Despite his preference for solitude, Hades is not a recluse by any means. Currently in his second year of studying criminology, he is fiercely dedicated to unraveling the complexities of the criminal mind. His sharp intellect and keen observational skills make him a formidable adversary in the pursuit of truth and justice.

Living in the confines of the university dormitories, Hades shares his living space with a rather unconventional roommate - Virgil, a vampire with whom he has formed an unlikely bond. Despite their stark differences, the two coexist harmoniously, their contrasting natures adding a layer of intrigue to their dynamic.

In the tapestry of his existence, Hades is a complex mosaic of contradictions - a solitary soul who finds solace in the company of his own thoughts, a talented musician and artist with a thirst for knowledge. Yet, it is precisely these contradictions that make him an enigmatic and captivating figure in the vast expanse of the universe

 Will he find his way to the light in this dark labyrinth, or will he drown in the darkness of his fate? That remains to be seen..

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Feb 28 ⏰

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