ding dong your gender is gone

25 7 29

idk why i chose that title but here's random stuff ive made recently,, with no particular medium it's really just a mix of everything

idk why i chose that title but here's random stuff ive made recently,, with no particular medium it's really just a mix of everything

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    downloaded pinterest and got so many quotes that sound so much like wriothesley so made this

  art not by me of course but i have no idea who to credit,, i did try to keep the signature on it tho

   xero<3 fun fact,, they're an adopt i got a WHILE ago from @Nettle-Fox (o7) that i found in my downloads and decided to draw once again because i love their design<3

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   xero<3 fun fact,, they're an adopt i got a WHILE ago from @Nettle-Fox (o7) that i found in my downloads and decided to draw once again because i love their design<3

   xero<3 fun fact,, they're an adopt i got a WHILE ago from @Nettle-Fox (o7) that i found in my downloads and decided to draw once again because i love their design<3

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    moodboard for jynovi!!!! it's kinda all over the place but uh yeah

     wanted to try more line less (but also ✨dramatic✨ line less (i have no idea what that is looking back at this)) so yk this was made

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     wanted to try more line less (but also ✨dramatic✨ line less (i have no idea what that is looking back at this)) so yk this was made

   it's not great👍

   it'sa me    mArIo

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   it'sa me

   anyways uh saw cloudy and raiden draw themselves,, so yk wanted to join but PLOT TWIST this is how i want to look rather than how i do atm :) also didnt want to draw myself iN tHe nUdE so yk didn't
    i still have no idea how to render,, cant you tell?

anddd finally you get a wip

   figured out how to draw anthro legs1!1!!11 i think at least,, (probably not)    anywaysss,, meet stardust ANOTHER redesign of capricorn who got a rename as well   uh

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   figured out how to draw anthro legs1!1!!11 i think at least,, (probably not)
   anywaysss,, meet stardust ANOTHER redesign of capricorn who got a rename as well
   uh. she's the goddess of the stars. i bet you couldn't tell/sarc

   uhh here's her old design too –

   uhh here's her old design too –

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    andd that's it,, bye :)

𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐛𝐨𝐨𝐤 𝐭𝐰𝐨 | artWhere stories live. Discover now