•part - 9•

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I widen my eyes after reading message.
No no no no that can't be *shocked*
I was frozen at the spot no words coming out of my mouth but again again message popped

Cold ass
I mean friendly date, so Tomorrow you free?

I relieved after seeing the message *deep breath*
But what he mean friendly date? *thinking*
Should I go or not?
I think yes, because this is just friendly date so yeah I'll go

Um, yes

Cold ass
So be ready at 10 pm I'll pick you.


I kept my phone in table and thinking about rude ass, I kept thinking about him and blushing
Wait, why I'm blushing?
I mentally slap myself and drift into sleep 😴

Author pov

Yn sleeping peacefully meanwhile taehyung is happy that she agreed to go on date with him, tonight taehyung sleep peacefully.


Yn pov

I woke by sunrise hitting on my face, I stretch my arms and went to bathroom after some minutes, I come outside from bathroom and open my wardrobe and thinking what should I wear today, I try so many outfit but I don't like that all, after 2 years (lol 🤣) I decide my outfit

I woke by sunrise hitting on my face, I stretch my arms and went to bathroom after some minutes, I come outside from bathroom and open my wardrobe and thinking what should I wear today, I try so many outfit but I don't like that all, after 2 years...

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And going downstair I saw appa watching TV and eomma making breakfast

Mr.min: aigoo, you look so beautiful today *smile* today is anything special?

Yn: no eomma, Actually I'm going out with my friend *smile and internally blush*

Mr.min: Friend ya boyfriend huh? *teasing*

(A/n: her dad is cool right)

Yn: ahh, appa is not like that *shy*

Mr.min: okay, but go safely okay princess *patted her head*

(A/n: huh? Her appa doesn't know that she was going with most dangerous mafia no one could touch Her)

Yn: I'm not child appa.

Mrs.min: but in our eyes you are child *smile*

I nodded my head and eat breakfast.

*30 Minute Later*

I standing outside my house until I saw one black car coming towards me and stop I confusely looked at the car

I standing outside my house until I saw one black car coming towards me and stop I confusely looked at the car

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