Chapter 15

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"Sehun-ssi, it's getting hot." Seokjin said to Sehun.

"Drink more. You might just feel that because you are not drinking. Do you want me to get you ice?" Sehun asked with a smirk, knowing Seokjin's being affected now by the drug he put in his drink.

"N-no! Please stay... I-I f-feel so h-hot." Seokjin said having a different feeling inside him. He doesn't feel like he should be feeling this, but he suddenly wanted to be touched.

"Are you okay, Seokjin?"

"I-I need a room." Seokjin said hoping to hide somewhere.

"There's a room upstairs. Let me assist you?" Sehun said with an evil smirk that Seokjin did not notice.

"P-please. I-i need a r-room."

Sehun helped him stand up. He then smiled at his friends as they looked at him assisting the innocent boy up the stairs.

Jin was having a hard time walking. His crotch is unbelievably getting hard and he's getting all sweaty. He should not feel this.

"H-hot." He said while walking. He's almost feeling dizzy, too and everything he sees is a blur. He sees people laughing at him but he can't clearly see their faces. He's getting embarassed by what he thinks he is seeing.

Sehun's hold on his waist is somehow satisfying him and he isn't sure why.

Sehun started touching him inside his shirt and he's feeling electricity travel throughout his body making his cock harder inside his pants. He got shy knowing that other people might be looking at him and seeing his cock getting harder.

He was then assisted inside a dark room by Sehun.

"We can stay here, Seokjin. No one will see or hear us here." He said assisting the boy again on the bed.

When Seokjin was laying on the bed, Sehun smirked to himself.

"I didn't know it will be this easy." He said then slowly hovered over Seokjin to watch him squirm. "I'll make sure to do it slowly with you, baby. You seemed to be very very innocent and I'm sure I'll enjoy wrecking you slowly." He said as he watches how Seokjin slowly unbuttons his own dress shirt.

He suddenly remembered how he wanted to treasure the view so stood up and took his phone from his pocket. He opened the camera and took a video of Seokjin slowly unbuttoning his shirt, with his eyes closed.

"The poor guy does not know where he is." He muttered in the video. "By the end of the night, he'll be wrecked as hell but will surely want more."

He then put the cellphone on the night stand and position it carefully so that he can see himself and Seokjin's body clearly while on selfie mode.

He went back to Seokjin and saw how hard the boy is. He smirked again. "That drug is the best. I should restock more so that I can play with you anywhere. You are now mine, Seokjin." He said. He was about to kiss Seokjin's sinful lips when the door suddenly opened.

He got mad that they were disturbed by a loud bang of the door which he was sure he locked.

"What the fuck?!" He said and when he turned he was suddenly punched in the face multiple times, then bumped his head on the wall.

He was unable to see who it was since the place was not well lit. The person then took the cellphone on the bedside table then shot the gun towards it, destroying the phone completely.

Sehun got scared that the man in suit was carrying a gun.

He was then pulled by the man again. He is currently wearing black shades in the night and in full suit.

He wanted to see the person clearly but the blood coming down from his head is blurring his vision.

"I would advise you to drop from your school if you still want to live, together with your friends. I know your family and I surely will kill each and everyone of you if I see you near Seokjin again." The man said then held Sehun's head just to bump it against the table multiple times, leaving him unconscious.

Jungkook wanted to kill the man and all the people downstairs, but he can't. He shouldn't. Jimin and Namjoon will take care of the people downstairs. Right now, he needs to take care of the almost naked Seokjin in the middle of the bed.

He started buttoning Seokjin's dress shirt. He looked at his pants and it's obvious that he was drugged due to the bulge and sweat on his skin.

"Kook... kiss... " Seokjin said when he saw Jungkook on top of him. "K-kookie... i-i ne--need k-kiss..."

"You need cold water." Jungkook answered trying to control himself.

He then brought Seokjin bridal style and went out of the room.

As expected the house was clear when he got down.

Namjoon and Jimin did their job wonderfully.

He went straight to the car driven by Jimin, with Namjoon in front.

"Good job, Jimin, Namjoon."

"How's the baby?" Jimin asked.

"He's been drugged." Jungkook answered. "By the looks of it, it's an aphrodisiac."

"Hm. Interesting." Namjoon answered.

"Pulled the separator up. I don't know how I'll be able to control myself with him grinding over me." Jungkook said.

Namjoon and Jimin looked at each other then smirked.

They both know Jungkook wouldn't do anything to harm Seokjin but he knows what more he can do for his Seokjin.

Seokjin did not want to move away from Jungkook and he just kept on grinding his butt on Jungkook's now hard cock. Jungkook had the most control but it's really being a challenge now, especially when Seokjin's lips were on his neck.

"Jinnie?l, baby please stop."

"I want t-to be t-touched." Seokjin said then put his hand on his pants. He then opened the button.

"Jinnie, stop. We're almost there. I'll give you a cold bath." Jungkook said but it seemed like he was trying to control himself more than Seokjin.

"N-no...i-i need t-to t-touch." Seokjin said feeling all the heat inside his body.

He then successfully unbuttoned his own pants and pulled down the zipper. He started palming his own cock while his one hand was on the head rest of the seat.

He looks so sinful and Jungkook tried his best not to look.

Seokjin then went near him and licked his neck suddenly.

Jungkook was not able to control his cock that suddenly twitched inside his pants. He held Seokjin's waist tightly to stop him from grinding himself on his cock.

"Fuck! You're making it harder for me, Jinnie."

"Jimin! Take this car faster!!!" He then shouted with all his might, hoping Jimin heard it since the separator is up. He felt though that Jimin was driving slower than usual or is he just imagining it?

"Kookie! I want you to touch me, please." Seokjin said.

"N-no, Jinnie. You're not in your right mind."

Seokjin then pouted and got sad. "Kookie doesn't like Jinnie." He said with teary eyes.

"Oh no, baby, that's not true!" He said holding Jin's face with both hands. "I like you a lot. I swear. But we can't do this now. If you are not drugged I will kiss you and make love with you, but you're not in your right mind."

"I always want to kiss you." Seokjin said, tracing Jungkook's lips with his finger while still palming himself with his other hand.

Jungkook let him trace his face. He put his hands on the back of Seokjin, rubbing him.

Seokjin traced his face and his body slowly. He then went down to Jungkook's neck then to his slightly opened suit down to his clothed abs.

The two looked at each other eye to eye and suddenly both of them engulfed each other in a kiss.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now