Realization (smut)

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After a long day of working as the chief justice of Fontaine, Neuvillete waits for Wriothesley to arrive at his office. The traveler suggested that he should loosen up and socialize more, so he invited Wriothesley over for some tea. Neuvillete felt somewhat embarrassed at the suggestion, but he knew the traveler was right and trusted his judgement. Neuvillete didn't know if he felt awkward because he invited someone over, or because he was nervous to see Wriothesley. After a few minutes, Wriothesley arrives at the Palais Mermonia and greets Neuvillete. "I'm glad you invited me, it's been a while. To be honest, I was a bit awestruck by the invitation. You've never invited me over for anything besides work related matters before." Neuvillete blushes slightly and watches as Wriothesley sits down next to him. "The traveler says I need to get out of my comfort zone." He replies. Wriothesley chuckles slightly and notices Neuvillete's somewhat messy hair. He runs his fingers through it to fix it and accidentally brushes over his dragon-like tendrils. Neuvillete flinches and blushes, "W-wriothesley..!" Neuvillete shouts. Wriothesley immediately pulls his hand away and apologizes. "Ah! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to. I didn't know they were so sensitive.." Neuvilletes looks down at the floor, trying to avoid Wriothesley's soft gaze. "It's okay.. I appreciate you for trying to fix my hair." He replies. Wriothesley notices the blushing man and smiles warmly. "You know.. I've always liked you.. and you're really cute.." He whispers. Neuvillete fixes his gaze to Wriothesley's and feels his face turn red and hot. "Y-you think so? Ah, Wriothesley, you flatter me.." Neuvillete replies frantically. Wriothesley pulls Neuvillete close, positioning him on his lap and rests his hand on his waist. Neuvillete's heart beats out of his chest as he's pulled in close, feeling somewhat confused at Wriothesley's actions. "W-wriothesley.. what are you doing? I thought we were going to-" Neuvillete is cut off with a kiss from Wriothesley, tender and passionate. Wriothesley opens and closes his mouth, sucking and kissing the dragons lips softly. Neuvillete trembles, caught off guard by Wriothesley's lips against his, but he does not hesitate to return the kiss. Neuvillete has never felt feelings like this for anyone before, and kisses Wriothesley back with the same amount of passion. "Mmn.. Wrio-" Neuvilletes moans into the kiss and arches his back in response to Wriothesley's touch. Wriothesley pulls away from the kiss slowly, a string of saliva connecting them. "Wriothesley.. I want more.." Neuvillete moans, his mind fogged with pleasure. Wriothesley grins and gazes at Neuvilletes pleading eyes. "Do you, now? Well, don't you think we should do this somewhere else?" Wriothesley chuckles. "Ah, yes.. I have a private room.. over there." Neuvillete points to the door leading to his private office. Wriothesley picks up Neuvilletes and carries him to the small office room, shutting and locking the door behind them. "Ah! Wriothesley.. you didn't have to carry me." Neuvillete blushes and avoids Wriothesley's intimidating gaze. "I just wanted to.." Wriothesley lays neuvillete down on the sofa and tops him, admiring the lovely dragon. Neuvillete heart pounds out of his chest and he tries to prepare himself for what is about to happen. "Have you ever had sex before?" Wriothesley asks bluntly, waiting for Neuvillete's response. "N-no.. I haven't.. and frankly, I don't know how.." Neuvilletes replies with embarrassment. "Oh, don't worry, darling.. just follow my lead, okay?" Neuvillete's body trembles with anticipation, eager to feel Wriothesley's touch. Wriothesley's hand drifts to touch Neuvillete's chest, feeling his frantic heartbeat and trembling body. Wriothesley tries to comfort him; "Ah, you're okay.. can you relax for me?" Neuvillete takes a deep breath, breathing in and out slowly. "Good.. good.." Wriothesley kisses Neuvillete again, gripping his hair and grinding against him gently. Neuvillete moans into the kiss, and allows Wriothesley to explore the inside of his mouth. Both of their tongues dance into the tender kiss, tasting each other passionately. Neuvillete feels a tightness in his pants, an odd and uncomfortable sensation that he is not used to. Wriothesley pulls away from the kiss and lifts up his robes, notices Neuvillete's twitching erection in his tight pants. "Oh.. that must be uncomfortable for you.." Wriothesley strokes the tight erection in his pants and feels it twitch in his hand. "Ahh! Wriothesley!" Neuvilletes arches his back immediately, offering his sensitive body to his newfound lover. "Please.. take my clothing off.. I can't take it anymore.." Neuvillete pants and moans in response to Wriothesley's touch. "Of course, darling.. I will take them off for you." Wriothesley takes off Neuvilletes robes and reveals his toned, pale chest, and he begins stroking his pecs. "Mmmn.." Neuvillete moans softly and arches his back in response to Wriothesley's warm hands on his bare chest. Wriothesley's hands drift down to Neuvillete's dress pants and he unzips them slowly, his twitching erection protruding out in his underwear. Wriothesley pulls down Neuvillete's pants slowly and he pulls down his underwear, revealing his pale member with a pink-colored tip. Neuvillete gasps, feeling the cool air hit his bare cock. "Oh, darling.. your dick is so beautiful.. your whole body is so sexy." Wriothesley licks his lips at the sight of Neuvillete's naked, vulnerable body. Neuvillete looks away bashfully. "I'm going to get undressed too.. don't look away." Says Wriothesley. Neuvillete watches eagerly as Wriothesley quickly takes off his clothes and throws them on the floor, revealing his muscular, scarred body. Wriothesley's dick is thick and veiny, his cock twitching in anticipation. "Is it to your liking?" Wriothesley grinds his erect member against Neuvilletes, which is slightly smaller and thinner than Wriothesley's. "Y-yes.. I love it so much.." Neuvillete moans, arching his back at the sensation of Wriothesley's cock rubbing against his. "Good boy.." Wriothesley spreads Neuvillete's thighs open and bends down, licking his puckering hole. Neuvillete gasps, feeling Wriothesley warm, wet tongue swirl around and enter his hole. Wriothesley slips his tongue deep inside Neuvillete's tight hole, using his saliva as a natural lubricant. "W-wriothesley.. It feels good.." Neuvilletes moans as his cock twitches. Wriothesley opens Neuvillete's ass further and inserts two fingers inside of him, stretching out his hole. Neuvillete's body jerks in response to Wriothesley's fingers and he arches his back further. "Ahh~ Wriothesley! I want you inside!" Neuvillete moans and pleads for Wriothesley's cock, his dick twitching rapidly. Wriothesley holds Neuvillete's slim waist and positions his thick cock against his puckering hole. "Do you want this?" Wriothesley teases. "Yes! Please! I need you to make love to me.." Neuvilletes pants and his body trembles in anticipation, his hole pulsing as he feels Wriothesley's cock press against it. Wriothesley slowly slides his cock inside Neuvillete's lubricated, tight hole, letting Neuvillete adjust to the size. Neuvillete's back arches off the couch and he moans loudly, feeling both pleasure and pain from the penetration. Wriothesley pushes his cock halfway inside of him. "How does it feel, darling?" Asks Wriothesley. Neuvillete swings his head left and right in response to the pain mixed with pleasure. "S-so good~ please don't stop.. I want to feel all of you inside me.." Neuvillete bucks his hips involuntarily, eager to take more of Wriothesley's cock. Wriothesley slides his full length inside and begins thrusting his hips slowly and sensually. Neuvillete whimpers as he feels Wriothesley's cock stretching him out completely. "W-wriothesley.. more.. it feels so good.." Neuvillete makes a lewd face, rolling his eyes to the back of his head and letting his mouth hang open as he moans and whimpers. Wriothesley's cock twitches inside of Neuvillete's ass and he begins thrusting faster and harder, his cock reaching Neuvilletes prostate. Neuvillete's body convulses and he whimpers loudly in response to the prostate stimulation. "Oh, Wriothesley.. Ahhh~" Neuvilletes arches his back further, his cock throbbing and leaking precum. Wriothesley fucks him harder, his waist slapping against Neuvillete's ass, filling the room with wet sex sounds. Neuvillete moans and whimpers louder, his cock twitching and begging for release. "Baby.. you're so wet for me.." Wriothesley pumps Neuvillete's cock in sync with his thrusts, adding an extra layer of pleasure to his sensitive body. Neuvillete bucks his hips into Wriothesley's hand, whining and whimpering to the intense sensation. "W-wriothesley.. I think I'm going to cum.." Neuvilletes moans and feels the warmth building up inside of him. Wriothesley pumps his cock and thrusts his hips, pounding against Neuvillete's prostate. "Mmmn.. fuck... I'm gonna cum too.." Wriothesley fucks the dragon's ass relentlessly, making him whimper with each thrust. Wriothesley teases Neuvillete's nipples, making him moan as his cock leaks precum all over his stomach. "W-wriothesley! I'm cumming!" With one last intense thrust, both of them cum hard, Neuvillete's seed shooting out onto Wriothesley's stomach as Wriothesley fills him up with his warm, thick cum. Wriothesley continues pumping Neuvillete's throbbing cock, helping him release more of his seed. "Ahhh~ Wriothesley! F-feels so good! I cant- ahh!" Neuvillete's body twitches and convulses as he is milked vigorously by Wriothesley's hand. Wriothesley finishes pumping Neuvillete's cock and pulls out of his hole, letting his seed spill out of him. Wriothesley pants and tries to catch his breath. "You did so well, baby.. I really love you." Wriothesley smiles warmly and stares contentedly at his lover. "I love you too.. thank you so much.. I've never felt that good before." Wriothesley chuckles softly. "I'm glad I could make you feel good.." He replies. "I'm really tired now.." Neuvillete yawns and struggles to keep his eyes open. "Ah, okay. I'll clean us up and we can sleep together, does that sound good?" Wriothesley asks. "Mmn.. yes.." Neuvillete drifts off to sleep as he waits for Wriothesley to clean him. Wriothesley comes back shortly with a warm, wet washcloth and gently cleans himself and his lover. Neuvillete wakes up slightly, still half asleep. "Mm.. Wriothesley.." Wriothesley finishes cleaning Neuvillete and turns off the light. Wriothesley lays next to him, holding and cuddling under a soft blanket with the half-asleep dragon. "So cute.." Wriothesley smiles contentedly and falls asleep with his lover.

-Authors note-

This is my first ever fanfic. You're welcome to give feedback but also please be nice 👍

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