✰. . . deep breaths

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CHAPTER FOUR[ real life ]

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[ real life ]

real life !

lilah took a deep breath as she stood in front of her front door, preparing for the interaction to come. she placed a hand on the doorknob and twisted, stepping inside.

"anna?" her voice bounced against the haunting walls of the treacherous household. ever since the passing of her mother, she hated the house. she felt the turning of her gut knowing the one person who kept the love intact was now no longer present, and will never be.

it felt like each corner you turn, marked an old unwanted memory that she had tried helplessly to push to the back of her mind. hoping for it to be forgotten.

her attention snapped to the sound of light pattered footsteps tapping against the floorboards heading towards her. she smiled at her sister kindly before it faded into a frown. tears coated her soft cheeks, making them glisten from the light shone above, the brim of her eyes coated bright red. a pang of devastation crossed through lilahs body at the sight.

she bent down, indulging her into a warm, motherly hug. "i'm so sorry, annabelle" sorrow coated lilahs  words. her younger sisters head resting against the fabric of her protectors top as she silently sobbed.

however, their interaction was soon interrupted from the daunting voice that belonged to their stepfather. his face was one of fury, his harsh eyes glaring down at the vulnerable girls.

lilah gently separated herself from the hug as she stood straight. though anna felt a strike of fear from the lack of contact and immediatly latched her hand into lilahs, which she accepted.

the girls prepared themselves for the sound of his authoritative tone as he got himself in lilahs face, disregarding the younger girl and any person space or respect. "where the fuck were you?"

"how many times do i have to tell you? i've been at the sturnio—" lilah began before getting rudely interrupted

"shut your mouth! i hadn't finished. you left me alone to look after this brat while you whore'd yourself round with them stupid boys? " he scoffed, shaking his head at her.

"i don't know who you think you're talking to. i paid miss potters to look after anna for the evening until i returned. if you went and got her, that's your problem." lilah informed him, she could feel herself slowly getting worked up.

"who do you think you're talking to with that attitude? you know i hate that fucking child! so i expect you to hear when i say i don't want to be near her. she's your business not mine, you little shit!" he hadn't lasted a minute before his voice raised at her, making anna flinch into lilahs side. "i deserve respect and your compliance, not attitude"

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