chapter one

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Chapter One

Sliding in a dime I fished from my denim jean pocket into the public telephone, I tap my foot impatiently for my call to be picked up. "Come on, Liv, pick up the phone!" I beg to the continuous ring of the telephone.

"What's up, cool person! It's Olivia. I'm a little busy right now but I'll call you back as soon as I can. *kissy sound* Bye!"

I slam the phone down, nearly pulling my hair out in frustration. That little minx practically has her phone glued to her hand 24/7! Why isn't she picking up now? When the situation is so dire and I needed her? Oh wait. It is 3 in the morning, not even a bomb can disrupt her beauty sleep. I snicker bitterly. Darn that heavy sleeper of a best friend that a love to death even so!

The piercing sound from the slam echoes through the whole train station earning quite a few wary glances from onlookers. Suddenly realizing what I had just done, a faint tinge of pink appears on the apples of my cheek as I bow my head to those around me, mumbling a flustered apology. Turning back to the phone, I blow out a shaky breath, one of both exasperation and embarrassment, and run a hand through my hair for the billionth time today.

I drum my fingers against the cool surface of the glass and with furrowed eyebrows, strain my brain to recall numbers to names and who would be able and willing to help me in my current situation. A scowl materialises on my face upon realising that I practically have zero friends minus Olivia and my parents. Then, a face pops into mind. I groan, pinching the bridge of my nose, reluctant. He is our only hope. Don't be such a wuss! I gasp.

"I am not a wuss!" I whisper-yell to no one in particular, quickly springing into action. I punch in the numbers I practically have engraved into my brain.

I was getting exponentially agitated and annoyed by the continuous rings until the call was finally picked up. "Hello?" A deep voice sounded through the line.

"Hey," I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding. "Evan, it's Hadley I need a favour." I say, getting straight to the point.

"Hadley? Christ, it's 3 in the morning. What fav-" He pauses mid-sentence, abruptly. The kind of pause one usually has when one has an epiphany. I was about to voice out my confusion but he beats me to it, cutting me off.

"A sexual favour?" I could practically hear his smirk through the telephone despite being unable to actually see him.

This boy cannot be serious. "No, you idiot! That's not it!" I say angrily but my body turned out to be a traitor and I found myself stupidly blushing nonetheless. See, this was why I'd been so reluctant in ringing him, he was such a... guy! Perverted and aggravating, was the male species in a compressed nutshell of two adjectives.

The sound of his laughter fills my ears. I frown, slightly confused. "I know it's not, Hadley. I was just teasing." He reveals.

Irritation creeps up to me, upon that revelation. "Well I'm glad one of us finds mirth in this whole situation!" I snap, the emotional turmoil from today's turn of events taking a toll.

"Hey, careful there cranky pants, you're the one who needs my help right now." He points out.

I sigh and instantly feel guilty for snapping at him. "I'm sorry. It's just been a really rough day and I'm just... I'm so drained. I want to go home but I can't even do that because I haven't even a single cent on me right now and it's 3 in the morning, for goodness' sake and Olivia isn't picking up and my parents are having a honeymoon in the friggin' Bahamas and I just-"

"I'll help you." He says softly, cutting me off in the midst of my rambling. "I'm already out the door, can you describe where you're at?"

"Uh well..." I start, nervously twiddling my thumbs. "I'm actually at this train station..."

"Great, Hadley, that was really helpful. Seriously. Which station?" He asks, voice laced with annoyance and impatience.

"Eilloway?" I manage to squeak out, then braced myself.

"Eilloway?! That's halfway across the country!"

I wince at his outburst.

"Well, I'm sorry! This little boy was really nice, he gave me directions and-"

"Just how little," He asks, cutting me off with a condescending laugh. "How little, was said boy?"

"Um... Well, he was little but not little little," I tell him with a nervous laugh. "I think he was," I pause, feigning that I was at a ponder. "I'd say, uh, eight?" Then quickly add, "A very mature eight year old, mind you. And the age is just a guess he could have been older..." I finish lamely.

"What were you thinking?! Were you even thinking?!" He asks, voice raised and condescending.

My eyes began to fill with rheum. "No one else wanted to help! And I followed specifically his instructions but I guess I did something wrong, considering I'm now stranded at Eilloway station for goodness' sake! I may suck with directions but don't you dare tell me I am stupid!"

"I didn't-" He starts but I cut him off.

"Yeah? Well, you implied it." He knew how much that word affected me.

"I'm sorry, Hads. I really didn't mean it like that." He says in a whisper.

I closed my eyes, resting my forehead against the glass of the telephone box. I was about to reply, but he coughed and spoke again.

"Well then! You just hang on tight now, sugar. Prince Charming will be there in a jiffy to save your cute little ass in distress."

A bubble of laughter escaped my lips despite what happened earlier. Evan knew me inside and out to know exactly the right thing to say at exactly the right time. He always had, probably always will. And admittedly, I miss him.

You actually miss him? After what he did? Get a grip, Hadley, you're better than this.

The wistful feeling dissipated at that. I quickly clear my throat, knowing the voice is right.

"Get here fast will you?" I say, changing the subject.

He lets out a sigh, obviously noticing my change of heart, but says nothing about it. For now. He tells me he'd be here in two hours and we hang up.

Two hours. I exited the telephone box and into the cool night summer breeze. I may have successfully avoided conversation with him about what happened between us, or any conversation for that matter, but there was no way I could avoid it now. Not with the two-hour car ride back home later.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2017 ⏰

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