catbee Angst ⛈️

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(I love this song so fucking much and yes ik it kinda weird but some of the lyrics are true and maybe you guys can relate)

Alrighty peoples as this was requested by Vent_Girl-

I will be doing a catbee Angst,now as I am one to love catbee a lot I made this a long one. But as this being long I won't be checking for grammar as best as I would for other parts. So uh yea lemme give y'all TW(s) so I don't make anyone feel uncomfortable with this story as I have a question for y'all.... Who is your favorite character from poppy playtime and FNaF?????
(I will be using abbreviations for mine so yea pp: poppy playtime fn:FNaF)

Pp is catbee/mommy. I can't decide on one so I am doing both.

Fn is lolbit and William. Same with pp TvT.

(Tw are below this part⬇️)

Now as someone who reads lots of Angst & fluff I tried my best to make it as best as I can. So I hope you enjoy this sad and fluffy story. Also I hope you don't mind as this being an au. Now I'm not sure what to call Thai but if we can go with modern day au.(Kinda like the senrity au, like player is satanic etc ) So uh yea, I'm sorry if it like confusing you but my original draft for this was alot different from this so yeah. And a lot more crappy-

Tw: self harm, manipulation, mention of blood, violence.Also this will be very fluffy at the end so don't be afraid to grab a tissue to wipe your tears.(if so)

⛈️Here's the info you need before you read the story⛈️(i highly suggest you read it as it minght not make sense)

After catbee was made kids started getting her a lot, she was taking out of containment multiple times for the kids and never tried to hurt the adults and kids. But one day catnap and the smiling critters took over playcare. Henceforth blocking catbee from going to the kids. She stopped getting used a lot and was brought out once every 3 months for the kids that still even knew her. Essentially missing the kids this drove her to insanity as she began to become more cold towards her best friend candycat. Candycat not knowing what catbee was going through just let her be. I hope you enjoy this my muffins!

Third pov(me telling the story)
Warning: fluff& little angsty& a ship you may not agree with

As catbee was let out of containment she stopped by to talk to her friends."hey guys!" She said cheerfully, they all looked at her with a smile"hey catbee!" Candycat says as( I hope you don't mind that I'm making candycat a girl-) she walked up to her and hugged her. They all look at both of them, catbee blushes from embarrassment as she realizes as being hugged by candycat she was letting out small noises."those were so cute!" Bunzo said with a cheerful smile" oh hey bunzo I heard you and PJ slept with each other yesterday" catbee says with a smirk. Bunzo instantly started blushing being told that and looks at pj who was smirking too."i-i-" bunzo says stuttering before running behind bron to hide from embarrassment. They started laughing before chatting some more. After about 15 minutes pj and bunzo were talking about something when bunzo began blushing again. They look to see PJ dragging bunzo into the room next to us before closing it. We all had smirks on our faces as he moved away to give them privacy. A few minutes later I bumped into kissy who was talking with huggy."oh hi catbee, did you hear the news?" Kissy Asked with a concerned tone. Catbee and the others looked confused and shook their heads." I heard some scientists say that they're going to be cutting playcraft from everybody but the smiling critters" they all looked shocked especially catbee"w-what?!?" Catbee said with mixed feelings.
"Yep, well I have to go now... But I hope you have a good day!" Kissy said trying to sound positive but she knew that catbee was angry and sad etc."hey catbee-" candycat said before falling back to the ground as catbee began yelling and crying. She loved the kids so much and them being taken away from her was horrible. Her wings were big since she was half bee and they were beating fast as she let her anger and sadness out. The friends looked at candycat to see if she was hurt but she said nothing as she forced herself up and to hug catbee. Bunzo and PJ ran out of their room to see what was happening and why it was so loud but they stopped as they saw catbee on the ground crying with candycat hugging her. They said nothing as they remained silent. It was an half an hour later when catnap came out talking to himself about something when he saw catbee on the ground. He grinned"soo~ the pathetic catbee is crying because they can't see the kids~?" He said in a mocking tone. The friends looked out o catnap and began to get angry."leave her alone!" Bunzo spat at him. Cat ee laughed and after 2 minutes he picked up catbee and threw her against the wall. Pinning her with her neck to the wall, choking her. She squirmed and fought for air but eventually passed out due to the lack of oxygen. They others scream in horror watch as their friend was being choked to death"come on and die already! Your useless now that I'm here!" The others managed to chase catnap away so they can help catbee. Bron stood his ground being taller then catnap. He swings his arm before pushing him out of the room. They all run back to catbee who was unconscious on the floor.candyact was sitting there trying to waje catbee up by giving her air. But it doesn't work that well so they bring her to the refinery and began to help her there. After 3 hours she finally woke up. Candycat was sleeping in the chair next to her, she gets up and walks out. Leaving the trail of fluid behind from the IV bag so she stayed hydrated as she was passed out. She sat outside the refinery and look at her body and hands. She imagined kids around her then catnap taking them away from her. A single tear fell down her eyes. She finally had enough, every day she put on a smile for people. Even fake smiles to his the pain everyday she felt. She hated her body, she hated that kids liked her to the point they hurt her, but she hated them being gone as they called her down and kept her from losing her mind. She started to cry,she flew away to abandoned place of the factory trying to hide from everybody she would stay here for a very long time hoping that nobody would come to search for her as from what she remembered hearing cat not the same before she just passed out"your useless!" She didn't want them to look for a useless thing.

Candy cat pov
(This is a tw, I put Candycat pronouns as her so I'm sorry to those who wanted a he/them/etc. I just got really lazy and had writers block so yea)

I don't know why catnap did that to catbee, I mean I know he can be aggressive at times but we all can be. I just don't know why he hates catbee so much... He knows she cares about the children dearly and making her hear that she basically getting scrapped is terrible. We finally calmed her down and she was happy until he came.... And to think about it I haven't seen her in a bit. I need to go find her.
(End of candycat thoughts)

Candycat gets up from where she was sitting and walks around, she walked around for nearly 3 hours looking for catbee but she was nowhere to be found"where is she...?" Candycat said worryingly. It was another hour until she came to an abandoned part of the factory(home) three was wires and glass sticking everywhere. Candycat hoped catbee didn't come through here and got hurt but it was her worries that was true. Off in the distance layed catbee soaked in a darkish red puddle, a gash layed on her side and her wings looked torn. Candycat rushed to her side"are you ok????" She said worried, catbee just looked up with a blank expression, she didn't look in pain. But instead a different emotion was just barely seeable. Grief, for some odd reason she felt like nothing. Candycat calmed herself down and managed to get catbee to her room(containment room). From there she fixed catbee up and talked to her, telling her that catnap is just a monster and that the kids will see her again. But that didn't change a ting in cat eyes eyes, she still had a dull,blank, emotionless stare that giants candycat. As time goes on catbee becomes aggressive and cold, soon she lost it and it was the hour of joy. She killed so many kids and adults but what she really did, what really did the damage, was(mini au: catnap mouth looked like mommy's but catbee sliced it open making it look like what it is now) cat ee tearing up catnaps mouth. Leaving him scared.
After the hour of joy catbee Finally found happiness, she stuck by candycat a lot as they traveled the factory. They came across the smiling critters and heard about the prototype situation but catbee wanted nothing to do with it. They headed down the elevator to the theme park and found a kid there, catbee kept it alive though as she thought if catnap found out they would want it and would do anything to get their pathetic hands on it. But 10 years later she heard the screams from above and knew something or someone killed catnap, she saw the elevator come down and go back up a bit before hearing a familiar voice yelling a name that catbee knew all to well. Kissy Missy. The voice sounded like poppy but the screams above made it hard to hear who was yelling. the elevator came crashing down as catbee ran out the way hiding in a booth. She saw a human but not in a scientist uniform or anything like that, they were I. Torn clothes and covers in bruises and scars. They asked poppy where they were but there was no response from the other. Catbee had a thought and it got the better of her, she stepped out from the both.

The end
Damn this took sone time to write, anyways if you saw my announcement I will be taking a break for a while(6days-1 week and 2 days) because I need to clear up some health issues and getting my school stuff up and going. Also I need to sort out my simping problem-(Micheal Afton be hot, don't jude me) I have done a few more smiling critters ocs so make sure to check that part out of you haven't already! Welp I guess that's it, my next thing to write I think will be a smiling critters ship so take a look at the writing schedule to see what it is! I'm very sorry if the grammar is shit, my English has been bad lately and my lazy ass doesn't wanna correct the mistakes, so I'm sorry if it looks like a fifth grader wrote this- man, this is probably one of my longest parts out there, I don't know why it's so long but hopefully you guys enjoyed this long frickin part. Well I hope you have a good day/night my muffins! And let me know if you would like a part 2 of this but it is candycat x catbee! Byeee


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