5 Signs You Found Your Purpose

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All I see is dollar sign. Replace this with purpose sign. You are definitely at the right place if you choose to read this till the very end. 5 signs you have found your true life's purpose. Your soul's purpose. Your calling. What you're truly meant to be doing on Earth. It's already 2024, let's be real!

You feel truly alive

We are all alive but how many of us are actually truly alive? I doubt many. The word truly alive comes back to purpose. You know you're truly alive when everyday feels so exciting. You know you're truly alive when you love getting up every single day looking forward to it. You know you're truly alive when you don't feel like it's a need to go to work instead it's a want. Need and want are the only deciding factor whether are you truly alive.

Your work makes you happy

This is definitely a pretty important one in fact it's the most IMPORTANT sign indicating whether you've found your purpose or not. Your work is supposed to be a home that you look forward to visiting often. Your work is meant to fulfill your soul. Your work is meant to be satisfying. Your work is meant to be your safe space. Run honey if its not!

Yes I know sometimes the work that you're doing pays you so well but if it doesn't make you feel content at the end of the day when you're retiring for bed then it's meaningless! Imagine how would you feel when you're at your deathbed because the dreams that you don't pursue are the same dreams that would haunt you when you're older. I live by this quote and I hope this would help you:

"Something that has not been fulfilled would eventually arrive at its surface. It's just a matter of time. So it's now or never. The risk would always be there in anything that you do in life. All you have to do is choose. Do it for you honey."

You start reflecting on your journey by asking some weird questions

Questions like these:

How did I even achieve all this within such a short timeline?How did I even knew I had to do all this?How did I get this far in life?I can't believe I could do all that by myself. Is this me for real?How did I attract the right people, the right opportunities and the right everything into my life?

Honestly there's more but here are some main ones! The key is you're content with your progress and you believe you're taking steps everyday that is highly aligned with your purpose.

People look up to you

This one is real. It is proven in fact I have experienced this by myself. Therefore I can write about it. The moment you start receiving inquiries, texts or calls regarding what you're doing is actually inspiring them and they would like to know more about it, it's a clear indicator that you're on the right path.

Something is unique about you. Your journey is appealing for others and it might feel absolutely nothing for you but it means a lot for someone else. The work that you put out every single day is actually motivating or even guiding someone into a positive direction.

I've come to a realization most of the time in life when you're living your purpose, the result is mostly delayed gratification. It's not like a normal 9–5 job where your paycheck justifies everything and keeps your momentum going for months or even years.

This one's pretty different because it's only you can see something that is not visible for everyone but just because you believe in it so strongly somehow it creates a positive ripple effect on everything that you do and this is the momentum that keeps you going. It's not the lucrative monetization instead it's something bigger. There is a greater WHY on what you're doing. A wise man once said:

"When your why is big enough, you will find your how." — Les Brown

You cannot stop working

Sounds so surreal but it's so true. There are times where even 24 hour is not sufficient for you I mean this works for everybody but when you're truly living your purpose it's those hours that you just wish to pause. Like you don't want to leave your work space. You want to get more done within the day. The most ironic part you don't feel like stopping. Like you can just keep going!

Let me give an example before leaving if you're running on paycheck and you're just working for it like that's your end goal. So when the clock strikes 5pm you just want to stop. Even if you choose to work extra hours you want to be compensated for it right?

But if you're working on your purpose, the time, the monetization does not matter because you can see exactly what is your end goal. It's bigger than a paycheck. It is beyond your being. It's serving the greater good.

Yours, Asrajjit Kaur

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