•|| Chapter 1 ||•

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"What are you doing?" Aline jumped when she heard her brother's voice behind her.

She had been staring at a display of brooms in the window, before Draco had appeared. "We have to go get fitted for our robes," Draco said in a bossy tone, putting his hands on his hips.

She didn't budge, rolling her eyes. "You're not my boss, Draco."

"Fine. I'll go and tell Mum that you aren't behaving," the blonde boy said.

Aline's brows furrowed. "Why are you being such a jerk?" She said.

"Aline, you should listen to me," Draco said, and Aline had the overwhelming urge to grab him by the shoulders and shake him until he realized how controlling he sounded right now. "I'm your older brother."

The urge intensified as he said that. "You're two minutes older. And I'm the more mature one..." she said.

Draco's expression changed from exasperated to angry. "What did you say?"

The female Malfoy twin blinked. "I was joking...?"

Draco grabbed her wrist tightly. "Aline, come on!" Where his fingers clenched around her wrist was quickly turning white from the amount of pressure.

She was about to argue with him, to pull away, but then—

"Aline, you're making a big scene."

Aline let out a snort, but Narcissa Malfoy's stifling glare shut her up immediately. "Draco, you two should head to get your robes."

Draco shot Aline a smug look, and she realized something. Something that had been true her whole life, but she'd never been able to put it into words.

Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy would always favor their son. Always.

As Draco and Aline headed off towards the street where Madame Malkins was, Aline glanced back at her mother, the picture of poise and elegance, ice cold. A perfect example of a perfect pureblood woman. The kind of woman Aline would never be.

When they arrived at the shop, Aline noticed a man with a large, bushy beard crossing the street. He was really tall, enough that everyone on the street's eyes were drawn to him. He had his hand placed on a boy's shoulder.

The boy looked relatively close to her age, and had dark, messy hair. Before she could examine him further, he was gone.



Draco pulled me into the shop, where we were greeted by a witch with dark hair tied in a braid and warm brown skin.

She smiled at us, but the smile was tinged with wariness. She definitely recognized us as the Malfoy children. Not like it was hard.

The white-blonde hair, snow-pale skin, and grey eyes would give us away any day. Not to mention the haughty tilt of our heads, the was we hold ourselves.

"Hello. My name is Veronica and I'll be assisting you today. I'm assuming you need robes for Hogwarts?"

Draco raised his head, looking arrogant, and I rolled my eyes. Here we go, again.

"Yes, we are. I'm assuming you know who we are?"

The witch immediately looked extremely exasperated, as people typically do when they speak to Draco.

"No? Well—" Draco started, but I immediately cut him off.

"I'm so sorry for my brother." She still looked irritated, so I kept talking. "He meant to say; yes, we are in need of robes for Hogwarts."

the nice malfoy; c. diggory [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now