•|| Chapter 2 ||•

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Oh, sorry! Short chapter!

When the Malfoys arrived at Kings Cross Station, it was an hour before the train would leave.

Lucius Malfoy hated muggles, so of course they had to cross over to Platform 9 3/4 immediately.

They could never be seen in the same rooms as muggleborns, in Lucius's opinion. It would damage their reputation.

A reputation that Lucius would say was already damaged by Aline's frequent chaotic behavior and rule-breaking tendencies.

Before they crossed the barrier, Lucius pulled the twins to the side. Narcissa hung back, watching. "Listen to me," Lucius said, crouching down to their level.

"You know what is expected of you. Both of you." Aline rolled her eyes.

It was fairly obvious that he only meant Aline, because of course perfect Draco could do no wrong in Lucius and Narcissa's eyes.

"You will not embarrass me." He was only looking at Aline at this point.

"Especially not by associating with blood-traitors, half-bloods, or, god forbid, Mudbloods."

Draco smirked. "I won't let you down, father," He said, and in a few seconds, he was gone, having crossed through the barrier.

Lucius looked down at Aline, disapproval evident in his expression. "Aline, me and your mother are very concerned."

Aline's eyebrows shot up. "Is there any chance that this is about my wellbeing?" She said under her breath.

"We are concerned about your behavior."

"Called it."

Lucius looked at her, wrinkling his nose. "I don't need attitude from you." She sighed, as he continued.

"If you don't behave—"

Knowing full well where this was going, Aline pretended that she heard her name.

"Coming, Draco!" Before Lucius could object, Aline had bolted through the portal to Platform 9 3/4.

Right before she crossed through, she caught a glimpse of the back of someone's head.

A head of black, short, messy, hair.


<Aline's POV>

When I opened my eyes, I was standing at Platform 9 3/4.

The train had arrived. It was long, red, and bustling with Hogwarts students, loading their stuff in, climbing aboard, hanging out the windows. They were everywhere.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I spun around with a rude comment ready, assuming it was Draco, but when I saw the person... it was most definitely not Draco.

It was a tall, handsome guy with stormy grey eyes and chiseled features. He looked like quite the ladies man.

He was wearing blue jeans, a white long-sleeved shirt, and a small smile.

By his height and confident posture, he looked to be maybe a couple years older than me.

It's safe to say I was very confused about what he was doing talking to me.

"Hey, you're a Malfoy, right?" I sighed, trying and failing to hide my annoyance at the question. Of course that's why he was talking to me.

"...Yes? Why?"

He blinked, and then there was a change in his manner.

He stood up straighter, and he started to fidget with his sleeves. Was I... making him nervous? "Sorry about the weird question! I just wanted to tell you I saw your brother go that way..." he said, running his hand through his hair in an adorably awkward way.

I laughed out loud. "Oh! Wow, that wasn't what I expected. Thanks!"

He smiled warmly. "Happy to be of service. Cedric Diggory."

"I'd rather just call you Train Boy," I said with a completely straight face.

He grinned. He had a very nice smile. White teeth and a dimple on his left cheek.

It was really charming. He seemed like the kind of person that I'd be friends with if it weren't for my parents and their stupid disdain for anyone not from the sacred 28.

We spoke for a few minutes, before I heard a yell (not fake this time) from the train.

"Aline, come on!!!" It was Draco. His blonde head was hanging out the window. When he saw me with Cedric, his eyes sharpened.

He opened his mouth to say something, but I beat him to it. "Coming, mother!"

He glared at me, clearly not finding my remark amusing, and ducked back inside.

Cedric grinned, as I turned around to face him. "So I guess this is goodbye?"

I smirked at him. "You won't be getting rid of me that easily." I just felt it. We'd be seeing more of each other.

We said our goodbyes, and he offered to help me load my luggage onto the train, but I said no.

I could lift my luggage myself. I wasn't some damsel in distress.

When I got on the train, I made my way towards the compartment that Draco's head came out of.

Safe to say that I did not find it within 5 minutes...

the nice malfoy; c. diggory [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now