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The light shone through very carefully; landing on the pages that I read gently. As though the sun knew where it was supposed to be. Curled up in a corner, with my back against a library bookshelf, my shoulder against the glass window pane; the room was chilly but the sun gave me warmth through the glass. A gentle contrast, but very comforting.

Turning the last page of the novel I read a note the author had written:

"Do not be weary my dear listener, for not every tale you read may be fiction; and fiction may hold truth. Do not be afraid to explore- though there be danger, and though you be deceived- adventure is rewarding."

I have trouble reading the next few lines, seeing as they are written in a foreign language. I do my best and speak slowly and quietly out loud reciting the lines cautiously.

"Fusce in mundo legitur; et accipe praemia, - non obstante periculo, quod manet." and I close the novel. A good read, but good things must come to an end as the saying goes. I toss myself from my previous seat, and stretch before I walk to the library exit.

I check out the book, and wave goodbye to the librarians before proceeding out the door. I take a step and blink. Book pressed against my chest I feel the door close behind me; and looking at the scenery before me, I gasp.

The word beautiful crosses my mind before I process the situation I am now in.

Where am I?

I'm standing atop a mountain that overlooks a forest valley.

Definitely not the city. . . I think to myself, and as much as instinct drives me to fear- I can't find the resolve to be.

The sun is set high, unveiled by the clouds.

It's warm.


Please let me know if I should continue this and eventually publish as a book!

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