Space space is very important there are lots of reasons why space is important let me tell you why but first you need to know what makes space space like solar systems and the Moon
Our solar system is in the galaxy called the Milky Way and our sun is in. the solar system too the sun is very important to us but our solar system. is more part and you might be asking yourself how was the solar system. more important than the sun well the solar system holds the sun and a lot of. planets our solar system is so important that without the solar system our sun and planets would not. be in the right places
The Moon is very important without the moon the accomplishments of. Neil becoming the first man on the moon would never happen without. the moon our oceans would be crazy we would be getting tsunamis left and. right without the moon many famous people would not exist right. now
Space is so big that some scientists and astronauts want to go to another galaxy but that will have to be in the future the end