Chapter 9(Celestine)+(Alex)

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I make my way to the parking lot but the moment I spot Alex's car I hear another car honk behind me, I look back to see light blonde hair and blue eyes with a bright smile. "Hi beautiful" this man looks like the male version of barbie- not to mention I don't know who he is. "Excuse me?"
"You heard me, you need a ride home?" OH yeah because accepting a ride from a guy I don't even know is definitely something I want to do. "No thanks, I already have one."
"You sure? Cause I'm telling you it'll be a fun one."
"Fun what?"
"Ride." What the fuck? Who is this guy and how can he be so goddamn cocky?
"Listen here plastic, I'd rather walk countless miles than accept a ride from you so fuck off." OK I didn't think I was going to call him plastic but he pissed me off-
"Woah honey chill, relax I was kidding. I wouldn't do that to you. Not on the first date now. Just hop in and we'll relax and talk." It's like my insult didn't even affect him cause that stupid smile was still stuck on his face. "Are you dumb? Did you not hear what I said or do you not process simple words properly? I'm not accepting a ride from you ever. Fuck off. " His smile lowers by a centimeter but he brings it back up again instantly. "Alright honey look-"
"She's not your honey Walter." The voice sounds cold again,
"Alex you don't need to- wait, Walter?" I look to the plastic guy in the car and see him give me a bright smile. "The one and only." I frown, "you mean, excluding your brother?" His expression changes as I say it "I forgot you go to this school." Before I reply Alex does for me "Yeah so does your brother, speaking of where is he?" The plastic guy looks to Alex and looks irritated about how much we're talking about his brother, "I don't know Hunter. Do you?" I interject because it feels like a fight is going to start, "you two know each other?"
"Unfortunately, but I don't know you sugar" He smiles at me while his eyes move to my chest, I immediately feel uncomfortable but then Alex steps in front of me and gives him a look that he returns, before anything happens however, another familiar voice speaks up, "Alan, what are you doing here? I thought you said you weren't picking me up today?" We all look to the direction of the voice to see Aron standing there clearly uncomfortable at the ongoing interaction. "Later Walters."Alex says clearly not interested in whats happening, he holds my hand and pulls me away from them and into his car, we stay quiet for some time but once we're on the road I finally speak up, "how do you know the Walters?" He contemplates his answer before he replies, "family friends. I don't like knowing them but I don't really have a choice to be honest." I nod not saying anything, "hey rose, isn't a story scheduled for today?" It takes me a minute to understand he's talking about Instagram, "oh yeah it is, what were you thinking?" He gives me a small smile, "You like basketball?"

I pretend to throw the ball over his head causing him to jump, giving me the perfect opportunity to bounce the ball and go around him to get it back. I dribble the ball while making my way to the basket, as soon as I'm close enough I keep the ball in my hands as I jump, but it's not until I jump I realise I  I'm not going as high as I want to. The moment that realization hit me however, I feel two strong hands lift me higher by my waist, I take the chance and make the basket as I gently get placed back down on the ground. "That wasn't really that high" he's panting and smiling, two things I never thought I'd see Alex do. "Yeah I think I'm all burnt out right now." He nods as he leads me to our bottles. I take a sip of water before I notice the phones sitting there, recording us. "What made you think of this? Recording us playing basketball together?" He blinks at me for a moment before looking towards the phone as if he forgot they were there in the first place. "OH I just, thought it would make good content you know?" I nod earning myself a small smile from him. "Come on, I'll drop you home."

The car ride seems extra lengthy for some reason and I can't help it when I feel my eyes shutting.

I see the familiar road as I realize we're near her house and I look towards her to see her sleeping peacefully, I contemplate what to do, since it's only 7.45 I decide to drive around a bit. I take glances at her every few seconds, studying her features, memorizing them, not that I have to. It isn't my first time doing this, I memorized her face the first time I laid eyes on her, her expressions depended solely on her mood. If she was happy, she had a bright smile that made me want to smile with her, if she was mad, she had a glare so cold I didn't know if I should wanna beat up the person she was mad at or feel bad for them that they had to deal with her being mad at them. If she was sad however, she never clearly showed it. I caught on though, I made sure to memorize what her face looked like when she was sad, to others it would have seemed like her resting face but the difference was that her eye lids would always be a little bit more down and she would sigh a lot. I haven't seen that face since the day I asked her to fuck me, I'm happy about that. When I asked her I obviously knew she wouldn't actually do it, she isn't Mindy. She wouldn't betray her even if she was that hurt. The only reason I get to touch her now is because her want for me is greater than her care for Mindy, why? Because Mindy clearly proved that she doesn't give two shits about her and that made rose care less.
In the midst of my thoughts she moves a bit and when I glance I see her eyes opening, "Hey rose, had a nice nap?" She looked at me and then outside of the window with that cute confused expression, "Are you.... circling around the neighborhood?" I nod giving no explanation at first, but when her eyebrows scrunch further and she tilts her head to the side looking up at me like that.. well safe to say I can't keep my cool around her as much as I'd like to. "You were asleep and it wasn't even that late, so I took a few rounds till you woke up. No biggie." No biggie? Who says that? God I swear she'll be the end of me. "Thanks Alex that's...really sweet, drive me home now?" I nod making the turn and heading towards her house. "Can I ask you something?" I nod at her letting her know she can, "Why are you and Mindy together?" Well, honestly I knew she would ask this eventually... but I still try to stay away from the topic a bit. "We're not together" she seems surprised at my words, "What do you mean? You two broke up?" I nod, "we broke up the day she came up to me in that parking lot, telling me how I'll come running back to her and shit when she thought you and I were fucking. I sent her a text telling her we're over, then I blocked her everywhere except Instagram so she could keep seeing my stories. Even that I still restricted her account." Her eyes widen at my words "wait so you weren't cheating when you fing- ahem, fingered me?" I smile at her stutter, "I don't cheat rose, no matter who it's with. I never cheat." She gives me a small smile processing everything I just told her, I pull up to her house, internally glad I managed to avoid her question. I know she's going to ask again later but I don't want to talk about it now so it's alright. "Goodnight Alex" she leans close and gives me a peck on my cheek, before she leans back however, I hold her jaw and give her a small and gentle kiss on her lips. "Goodnight rose." My thumb caresses her cheek and I see her eyes flutter close as she has a small war with her self, when she finally open them, she smiles and leans back to open the car door. I touch my cheeks and feel warmth, I forgot how much I blush when I'm around her. She never noticed it, but when she made that comment about knowing how to ride the biker that day I was blushing like crazy, it was dark so fortunately she couldn't see.

When I reach my house I sit in the car for some time looking at my phone, I look at the video of us from today and take a screenshot at the part where I lifted her up so she could make the basket, I post it on my story with the caption "shortie♡" and within a matter of minutes I have people liking the story and my dms start blowing up again. I don't care about their texts though, I'm just waiting for a particular one. Ten more minutes go by before I get the notification I was really waiting for, she reposted the story with the reply "Your shortie♡". Oh fuck. I was right when I said this girl was gonna be the end of me, I touch my cheeks again and it isn't even warm, it's just very hot. I smile at my phone like an idiot when I hear a knock on my car window. I look out to see that bastard standing there with that same grim expression he always had. I roll down my windows and decide to say something to him for once, "Yes father?" He seems surprised I talked to him, "Come inside Alex. I'm hungry." I nod at him and he takes it as a hint to leave. I don't understand why he can't just eat on his own, it's not like we enjoy each others company, fuck I don't think we even like each other. I sigh and get out of the car and walk towards the front door. Leave it to him to ruin a good fucking mood.

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