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Shub navratri everyone

welcome to my new story


~Writer of the story ~
                          Pen name: Shivika
                          (Not the real name )

┏━━━━━°❀🎀 Disclaimer 🎀❀°━━━━━┓

★©All rights reserved

★Do not try to steal,copy or repost my work

★its a pure fictional story ..it's totally my imagination.

★I don't own any character except few which I created (My imaginary character)it's character not actor

★This story doesn't have any connection with real life and if any incidents match with real life it would be a pure coincidences

★The story belongs to me it's totally my imagination (creation),so credit of story goes to me _Fictionaluniverse_

★Credit of cover and blurb goes to _Fictionaluniverse_

★The pics used in this book aren't mine except few which I will edit. So, credit goes to the rightful owner.

★if you don't like the story simple skip it don't spread hate towards anyone

┗━━━━━❀•°:🎀 The end 🎀:°•❀━━━━━┛

Thank you


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