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Paintbrush's POV:

Something doesn't.. Feel right with Lightbulb. She was up at 7 A.M., very clearly lied to me and left to go somewhere? Where the hell could she possibly have to go at the crack of dawn? And I don't think I've even seen her after tha- BZZT!

I looked down at my phone, buzzing on a chair right next to me. I put down my paintbrush and grabbed my phone, looking at a message from Fan.

"Lightbulb said to tell you she has Baxter rn"  ...Oh. Okay, at least she's back and not dead, or something..

I'd text him back, "K. Did say why she took him?" Surely she just missed him, she loves him with all her heart! But, Fan needs to learn how to respond faster.

I'd sigh and go back to painting, looking back at my phone every few seconds, waiting for that buzz. It was like he wanted to keep me in suspense. At this point, I might as well walk up to our room and just ask him in person.


"Oh, thank God." I thought to myself, grabbing my phone again. She just wanted to take him for a walk? It.. Sounds like something she'd do, since taking a crab out for a walk sounds pretty nonsensical. I'd sigh and message him back, simply asking where she went. Surprisingly, he answered pretty quickly. "Nope. She just called me a very.. new nickname and ran off." Dammit. Well, she's an adult. She can go wherever she wants!.. But, it couldn't really hurt to go look for her.


Lightbulb's POV:

I felt like I've walking for quite a while now, so I felt like I needed a small break. I noticed Baxter walking off to the side, so my eyes shifted their gaze to where he was going. The dock where I named him! That's probably a good little spot to just sit down and chat with Baxter. I followed him, picking him up so he didn't run off into the ocean and abandon me. I sat down on the edge, staring at my reflection in the water.

I looked.. Weird.. I was smiling like today was the best day of my life, but it felt ordinary. I guess I am happy right now, but I shouldn't be grinning like I'm a real estate agent. I tried to stop smiling, but it hurt to make something smaller than an affiliative smile. Was.. Taking two of the things Test Tube gave me a bad idea? I shook my head and looked down at Baxter in my hands. I can't tell if he's concerned or not, but I wouldn't blame him if he were.

A couple minutes passed, I ended up talking to Baxter like he could respond. I laughed a couple of times, thinking of what he could possibly say until I heard a familiar voice walking up to me. "Um.. Lightbulb?"

I turned around and gasped when I realized it was Painty

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I turned around and gasped when I realized it was Painty. I stood up and put Baxter back on my head, hugging them when they got close enough. "Painty!! Hiii! What's up?" They looked a bit confused.. Or nervous? Through my actual happiness, a thought appeared. Why're they here?

"Oh, y'know.. Just checking on you. You had me a bit concerned this morning when you left at a weird hour. Where'd you go?" They hugged me back, probably after realizing they weren't already. What do I tell them? Do I just say I went to Testy's lab? Would that freak them out? What if they ask why I was there?

"I- Well- Uh-.. I just went over to Test Tube's lab, nothin' special! She let me watch her make.. Stuff." I'd let go of the hug and took a small step back. They looked skeptical, like they knew I wasn't telling the whole story. "Alright.. What stuff did she make?" They questioned, their eyes narrowing. I froze, thinking of all the things I could say that they could possibly debunk if they went to go ask Testy herself, or just check her lab.

"She.. I dunno, it was just a.. Little thingy with.. Wires n' stuff." I shrugged, trying not to break eye contact with them out of nervousness. They seemed to be a bit more relaxed hearing my vague explanation of what she "made".

They hummed and sighed. "'Kay.. That sounds like something she'd make. But she never said anything about what it was?" They sounded suspicious. I am so fucked if I fumble my story up. "NnnnOPE! Just.. Totally didn't explain what it was and I did NOT question her whatsoever!" Oh my God, I sound like I'm lying. I mean, I am, but I'm really making it obvious.

"..Sure. Look, do you just wanna come back to the hotel? I really don't trust you by yourself right now, honestly." They held out their hand, prompting me to grab it. I nodded, despite the fact I didn't really want to, but going with them was the least I could do since I've been lying to them.. But it was for a good cause.

To not make them worried.

(A/N: Wowza!! Pretty short chapter amirite?? IT ACTUALLY HAD A SCRIPT!!! YES. IT ACTUALLY HAD THOUGHT BEHIND IT!!!! crazy ik 😱😱😱 885 words wowza 🩸)

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