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As Damian lay beside Jon in the cozy warmth of his friend's room at the Kent Farm, he felt a wave of contentment wash over him. The day had been long, filled with hard work helping Pa and Ma Kent with the cattle, but now, in this quiet moment, everything felt right.

The air tingled with the faint crackle of Jon's Kryptonian powers. Damian could sense the tension radiating off his friend, the struggle to tame abilities that were still new and bewildering. But here, nestled in Damian's arms, Jon seemed to find a semblance of calm. The steady rhythm of Damian's heartbeat echoed in Jon's ears, a soothing melody that eased the tension from his shoulders.

In that moment, Jon realized just how much he cherished their friendship. Damian's heartbeat was a constant reminder of their connection, a lifeline that tethered them together amidst the chaos of their lives. Damian had become Jon's anchor, a source of stability and comfort. As long as Jon could hear Damian's heartbeat, he knew he would be all right.

Jon leaned closer, seeking refuge in Damian's presence, and Damian's lips curled into a gentle smile. These quiet moments with Jon were precious to him, a chance to simply be together and find solace in each other's company. With Jon's head resting against his chest, Damian felt a sense of contentment wash over him, grateful for the bond they shared. He tightened his embrace around Jon, feeling a surge of gratitude for the unwavering presence of his friend.

Jon finally broke the silence, asking Damian how things were going with his family now that Uncle Bruce was back. As Jon's question hung in the air, Damian felt a pang of sadness wash over him. The mention of Bruce brought a flood of conflicting emotions to the surface, and Damian struggled to find the right words to express himself. Taking a moment to gather his thoughts, he let out a heavy sigh. He knew that Jon deserved an honest answer, even if it meant confronting some uncomfortable truths about his family.

"Well, Jon," Damian began, his voice tinged with resignation, "things are... complicated, to say the least." He paused, searching for the right way to articulate his feelings. It wasn't easy opening up about his family, especially when the wounds were still fresh. "I'm glad that Father is back, and I'm happy to see my Bat family together again," Damian admitted, his tone bittersweet. "But..."

Another sigh escaped Damian's lips as he struggled to find the right words. "But I can't ignore the fact that things aren't as perfect as they seem. Father may be back, but that doesn't change the past."

Damian's gaze fell to the floor, his thoughts consumed by memories of his fractured family. "My mother and Jason... they had their reasons for keeping me away from Father," he explained, his voice tinged with sadness. "And now, being around my Bat siblings, I understand why."

He shook his head, a sense of frustration creeping into his voice. "Dick, Stephanie, Tim... they're all incredible fighters, but they're also... damaged, in a way," Damian confessed, his brow furrowing with concern. "They're constantly second-guessing themselves, always on edge. It's like they're afraid to make a move without Uncle Bruce's approval."

"How bad did Father have to screw up to make such excellent warriors have zero self-confidence?" Damian mused, his voice tinged with frustration and concern. It was a question that lingered in the air, unanswered and unsettling.

As Damian spoke, Jon could sense the pain that lay beneath his friend's bravado, the longing for a sense of belonging and acceptance that had eluded him for so long. Jon shifted slightly, his expression thoughtful as he continued the conversation. "Are you gonna see him? Uncle Bruce, I mean."

Damian shook his head, his expression solemn. "No. Not yet, at least," he admitted. "Akhi's gonna let me know when he thinks it's the right time."

Jon nodded, acknowledging Damian's decision. "You trust Jason with that?" he inquired, his tone tinged with curiosity.

The Red Ghoul {The Red Good Series: Book Zero}Where stories live. Discover now