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As agreed upon, everyone had arrived at your house.

"Yea, I can never get use to how creepy it looks." Kariya sweatdropped.

Alpha stared up at the dark purple brick walls and roof, the suspiciously blackish–green grass of the garden, but the cutely cut bushes; unfazed.

You giggled at their reactions before opening up the gates.

You had messaged Yuukoku earlier about the situation. There was a lot of back and forth, about the time travel situation, in between the aftermath about your secret being revealed, (poor man almost had his soul fly out of him when you try to explain about your death on alternate timeline) until he understood. Thus, he was not surprised when he greeted your friends, Fei, Alpha, and the talking bear that was Wandaba.

He even came prepared with servings for the guests, which consisted of sandwiches and glasses of orange juice.

At first, you considered having everyone to discuss in your bedroom, before you remembered your bedroom wasn't big enough. (You also could not remember how tidy your room was) So, everyone took to the living room.

Yuukoku was there, too. "So, which one of you is Alpha?"

"Yes?" Alpha spoke up.

"Ah, so that's you. Well, welcome to my home person–from–the–future."

"Thank ... you," Alpha replied robotically.

"Sooooo ... where do we start?" Hamano began.

"For starters," Yuukoku said, "I am sure all of you have your own questions, except maybe Sangoku, about my niece. Who would like to go first?"

It was Tsurugi. "If no one minds, I have a few questions I wish to ask first."

When everyone said they didn't mind, Yuukoku told him, "Go ahead then ."

Tsurugi crossed his arms. "[Name], since you mentioned you're a zombie, how ... do you not look like one?"

"Oh! I wanna know too!" Tenma said.

"Me too! Me too!" said Shinsuke.

You gestured to Sangoku to explain, and he does as so: "Well, [Nickname] uses a lot of makeup product to cover herself up."

"Makeup?" Midori raised an eyebrow. "Would normal makeup even work on her skin, assuming it ain't ... uh ... ya know...."

You and Yuukoku laughed. "No no," he said for you, "[Name]'s skin isn't rotten in anyway. I made sure any rotten parts was replaced with quilt patches and the parts that do remain are doused in ice."

"So that's why she wasn't bothered by the Winter Stadium...." Aoi said.

"I got a question too!" Nishiki raised his hand. "You've never eaten our brains before. So what do you eat?"

"Animal meat!" You signed.

(In the background, Kariya shivered, remembering the information he was told. Sangoku chuckled at him.)

"Hm ... cooked?"

You shook your head.

"Raw?" Kurama's eyes widened. "Wait, every single thing is it?"

When you gave them a wide grin, especially with your sharp rows of teeth that shone, they quickly changed questions. Kirino asked this time:

"[Surname], as a zombie, is there anything you're ... afraid of?"

Blazes of red and orange engulfed the insides. The curtains to ashes. Sparks fly. Mom's face scarring away from the heat. The warmth of her arms that embraced you overcame by the heat around you.

「BURIED」𝐈𝐄𝐆𝐎: 𝐂𝐒 || 𝐖𝐚𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐬Where stories live. Discover now