Commitment: Nia

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C H A P T E R 6

Two Weeks Later..

I thought I could fight but I was so dead wrong.

Davi and I have been fighting for a good few hours before I decided to give up. He taught me everything from wrestling to boxing to being a street fighter. Apparently, those three things are totally different from each other.

Wrestling is a sport where two individuals engage or grapple with the aim of throwing or holding their opponent's shoulders to the ground. So there is no punching or kicking involved it's just literally you trying to get the other on the ground using heavy force.

Boxing is using the only method of attack by punching with a clenched fist, punches below the belt or the back of the opponent's head and neck are not allowed. With Boxing, you have to use strategies with your eyes, feet, arms, and body language. You have to read your opponent's feet and hand movements. You could tell which hand a person is going to throw by just watching whatever hand they put up first or what they use the most to talk.

Street fighting is your normal way of fighting. It's spontaneous and hostile. There are no rules applied and you can do whatever you please. Face shots and body shots are not limited and you're lucky if you leave a street fight with no bruises.

Street fighting is probably the only thing I can get down pact . Growing up around immature females and mean girls in high school, I had to learn how to defend myself. So I got into a couple fights throughout my teenage years. I could throw a punch, that's for sure, and every fight I have been in, I never lost. I even got jumped before and I beat every last one of those three girls to a pulp.

Im tired and body is well over sore from all of the abuse I had to endure with Davi and the soreness from my stab wound is still a little tender. It doesn't hurt as much so I can move without the crutches, I just have to be careful here and there with my movements but at the rate Davi and I have been going, I will need to down a few pain pills when I go to my room.

My sports wear is soaked in my sweat and my breathing is heaved and low. My hair that I had in a ponytail is now braided in two braids since Davi told me that ponytails are a targets easiest access if they want to get at me.

The asshole didn't let up on me either, he used my earlier words of me saying that I can fight to his advantage. His goofy demeanor changed as soon as we walked into the training room. He was cold and brutal and he was the most determined coach I have ever seen. We're in the rink in the middle of the room, just him and I, as he tried to get me to go at him once again after many failed attempts.

"Davi, I can't, I'm exhausted." I say in between breaths.

"Tired won't cut it. Now hit me!" He yells with a fighting stance.

"I can't." I whined.

"Stop being a pussy."


"Look, just think of something that pisses you off, okay?" His face softens but he still stands in position. "Like a ex boyfriend or an old friend that did you dirty. Once you get that into your head, use your anger towards me. But remember not to let that anger cloud over your skills. You have to learn balance. Learn to not fight only in rage but by using strategy. When you're pissed all you want to do is swing. You don't think about rather the person is a boxing champion or a really good reader. You would be punching air and missing every hit. So get mad and focus!"

COMMITMENT: BWWM ✔️   Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now