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K Centuries ago Earth was a place to kill or be killed, demons plated the land killing anything that moved. Wicked creatures with pitch-black horns, crimson red eyes, and horns like goats their tails the color of fire.  They only live for one thing; to destroy all the humans in the world.

Do you know all the places? Those were brought to the world by demons, and people dropped like flies about ⅓ of Europe’s population died. Then in 1200, when a large group of the creatures were hunting a large light appeared from the sky it shone brighter than the moon. Depending from the light, angles, angels welded angelic weapons, which they used to cut down the demonic beasts. Tracking them from existence, soon angels started to appear all around the globe slaughtering any demons in sight. They soon became heroes of the earth being praised and worshiped like Gods.

Everything was perfect until one fateful day June 21, 1957, when all the Angels suddenly disappeared allowing the demons to return and rule the Earth once more.

“Thank you class very much for listening to my presentation about the Earth's history.”
The room erupted into applause from the seated students.
“Thank you, Steffani for that lovely presentation,” Mrs. Lobby smiles,
She’s about to continue when the deafening song of the ringing bell shouts through the halls signaling that it's time to go home. Mrs. Lobb sighs knowing that she cannot keep the excited teens back,
“Please remember that Friday sweepers must sweep the class today,” Groans and disappointed sighs flood the room as 5 students stop packing and head to grab a broom.

“Yo Tsunami!” A tall slim boy with curly brown hair and brown star shaped freckles that matched his light brown skin, his eyes are light brown.
“What's up Jay?” Tsunami turns, he is shorter than Jason by like 2 inches, he has short deep brown curly hair and a lighter complexion to Jason. Tsunami is more muscular than Jason as he has broader shoulders and deep brown eyes.

“You going to the night market tomorrow?” Jason asks
  The night market is held on the last Saturday of every month. It is done as a way to bring people out of their houses after the largest demon slaughter in Oceania in O 1957. It is where all the small businesses come together in a park. Parking Lot or a street to set up stalls or booths with their product and sell to the people who attend. It is a time for family and friends to get together and have a good time and not fear an attack from any demon.

“Hell Yah!” Responds,Tsunami as he starts sweeping away the dirt at his feet.

  The two boys speak about nothing important when the subject of Angels and Demons Slip its way into their conversation

“You actually believe in that nonsense?” Tsunami raises and unimpressed eyebrow at Jason,

“Of Course Man! My grandma saw one for herself and she's now traumatized by the demons!” Snaps Jason, he is very protective of his grandma MRS MARLA.

“NO offense to Mrs. Marls, but are there any actual videos or pictures of said angels and demons?” States Tsunami

“That's because they cant be recorded or any pictures of them can be taken STUPID!” Jason spits out,

“Hey you two,” A new female voice says from across the hall,

  THey turn to see their shorter friend Morgan waving and walking in their direction, what she doesn't notice is how another one of their friends Terrence is right behind her ducked down so   F he's near her waist. Now Tsunami and Jason now what Terrence is planning on doing, they start snickering causing Morgan to ask,”The hell you two laughing at?” she screams as she is being held sideways by Terrence,” ASSHOLE!” She shouts holding onto his long arms for support as her other friends just stand there laughing.
-------------------the next day—--------------------------

  It's now Saturday, 6:00pm to be more specific. Tsunami had just been woken by his mother Darla as he had been awake since 5:00am playing Call of Duty mobile. He had just learned that his friends Terrence, Jason, Morgan and Taz were waiting in the living room as the night market is to start at 7:00pm.
Tsunami rushes to find some stuff to wear, nothing too fancy as the night will be hot and energetic. A simple tee and light brown cargo pants should do right? It doesn't matter as he is running late and hasn't eaten anything since last night, he then finds a pair of black jordans and slips them on as he runs down the stairs to the living room.

“Morning,” He says out of breath as he sees his friends sitting all across the green sofa drinking tea,

“ Morning? Now I know for certain that you got good sleep last night,” Laughs Morgan as she sets down her tea cup before I motioning for the others to follow. They said thank you to Mrs Darla as they left for the night market.

“Just be safe and careful!” she shouts from the doorway as the teens one by one disappear into Morgan's fathers truck.

‘WHAT COULD POSSIBLY HAPPEN?’ thinks Tsunami as he waves at his mother before the truck drives off.

The conversation in the car quickly starts at what stalls they think they should hit first, Morgan and Taz say they should go to one of the anime stands that sell mange shirts and figurines but Terrace Tsunami and Jason say that they should go to a food stand first.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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