The sleepover (part 2)

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* as Abby arrived you could tell finn was uncomfortable. Robin really didn't notice and neither did Gwen because they was so interested in the movie they was watching (Back to the future) for one  robin liked something that was horror!*

Yn: finn you okay?

Finn: Uh ye- yea-yeah sure..!

*You could tell yn knew something was up so she got up and motion for finney to come up stairs*

*They walk upstairs into his room*

Yn:" finney ik your not okay, what wrong? Yk you can talk to me about anything right?

Finn: yea ik.

Yn:well what's wrong?

Finn: well i-i.... I don't want you to think I like Abby. Because I don't. I like someone else.

*When finn said this yns heart dropped.* Was he gonna say he liked another girl? That wasn't her? What would she do if he don't like her back!?

*Yn just looks at him*

Finn: This girl. She's so beautiful. I've liked her for along time. And I don't know if she likes me back. But she's the smartest, pretties, sweetest girl I've ever met. And tbh I think I love her. But I think she thinks I like this other girl. When I don't want anyone but her..

Yn: mhh if you don't mind who is this girl?

Finn: she's in our grade. She's like best friends with Gwen. She's close with robin and myself.

*Yns thoughts* "Oh my God.. is he talking about Sally. Her Gwen and robin got really close last summer before I moved back.... I really hope he's talking about me. But how could someone ask beautiful as finney Blake like someone like me.."*

Finn: do you have any idea who it is??

Yn: yea.... *Sighs*

Finn: who!??

Yn: Sally....?


Yn: then who?

*Finn takes a deep breath*

Finn: it's you yn.. I've liked you ever since 6th grade when we first met. I couldn't stop thinking about you. No matter how hard I tried. Bc I thought robin would be pissed if he knew I had feelings for his sister. Thats why I never told anyone but gwen. And if you don't like me back I totally understand. But I just need to tell you how I feel. Because I can't keep holding It in. And it hurts me to think that you might have the idea I like Abby. And she makes me so uncomfortable. And besides she's a hoe. She wanted me and robin. And your the most beautiful girl I've ever met. You so smart and sweet. And one thing I love about you is that your always there for everyone. Even though half the time no one is there for you. You could be bleeding to death and still trying to help people. You have a heart of gold yn. And that's why I love you. And i don't expect you to say anything I just really really really needed you to know how I felt...

Yn: Wow finn... That's a lot. But I'm glad you told me. Because I've also had a crush on you since I met you that first day in 6th grade. And I hated when them other girls tried to talk to you. I wanted you all to my self. And I don't care what robin thinks. If I'm happy he should accept that. And I wanted to tell you how I felt so bad today. But i couldn't get over the fact that I thought you liked Abby. And it like killed me. That's why I was in such a bitchy mood. And I'm sorry. But. Your so sweet and caring. You literally the most handsome boy ive ever met. And I love you to much and I always have finney blake❤️

Finn: wow yn. I didn't know that you felt the same way.

Yn: ikr

Finn: so Yn Arionllro will you be my girlfriend?

Yn: OH MY GOSH YES!!! you don't know how long I've wanted got this!!!

*Finn pickes her up and spins her around in the air while looking deeply in her eyes. He sets her down she he puts his hands around her waist and pulls her in. Yk puts one of her hands on his back and the other in his hair. They end up kissing for so long.*

Yn POV. I can't believe I actually just KISSED FINNEY BLAKE the boy I've had a crush on since the 6th grade. And now he's my boyfriend. I can't believe this!! I must be in a Dream. I pinch myself then I realized that it's not a dream that it's real life. I'm one of luckiest girls on the earth right now!!! It feels like the kiss we shared lasted for years I never wanted it to end. I could just kiss his handsome face for hours and cuddle with his forever. Ive waited for this moment for years and now it's finally here. I love him so much.

Finns POV. I just kissed Yn Arionllro. The girl I've liked for years. Ever since the first day of 6th grade. I feel like I'm in a fever dream. She makes me feel like fireworks are going off inside of me. She makes me so happy. And I KISSED her. Shs has the prettiest face and eyes out of any girl I've ever met. She's so adorable. I could just stare into her eyes and get lost for hours. I could just cuddle her forever and never wanna leave. I love her so damn much.

                       1 more chapter left..

Author) hey guys!! I hope you really like this part of the story I just came up with most of it off the top of my head as I was writing it. It's 1:45am as I made this story. So I hope y'all like it. And please leave some more recommendations for my next stories

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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