Random Sketch of Felix

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Hi, How you doin? Made sketches of Felix himself.. Well.. in Paper- Ibis Paint X is really making me wait for literally the NEXT day just to continue man-- That Free Trial annoys me-- Like 1 Hour per Day? Heck no.. We artists need more time man-

Anyways!.. Yez the Picture is blurry apologies for that.. its just-- The camera won't focus man :(

 its just-- The camera won't focus man :(

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Yea.. This is supposed to be the final outcome in Ibis paint yet I made it with Full Body ofc- Again, Ain't my fault that its blurry- Its the Camera who won't focus :(

Anyways Lemme uhh..

See that Felix but T-posing? Its him without his Coat just his Shirt w/ sleeves yet the other one is cut off just like in Ibis Paint.. and Also.. I kinda-- removed his hat soo yea Its just him without Hat nor his Coat..

See those Eyes?.. Yea-- He's kinda like Half blind yet no.. The One without the Pupil is mainly the one who sees the Aura within the Creature or a Mortal.. While his Other is just.. normal

And yez.. HE always uses a Sword as always!~ Although- He does have a Waist-- that is literally uhh.. GRABABLE.. Poor him.. He got harassed in Felix's Visit chapter 2 due to that Wolf guy :(


In which.. Ash approves :)

On the Very top.. You see that weird marking? Ye- That's his marking on his neck while below it.. its his Markings on his Palms.. For those who doesn't know.. He does use gloves as always.. to which hides his Markings in his palms.. While that Thing below the T-posing Felix.. its his Marking on his Chest!~

I mean.. He does have a Marking on his tongue- Yet Am still thinkin on how to do it-

Those Random Blur in Felix's Side.. its just doodles of him!.. On the Top we see Felix but confused, While on the Edge we see Felix yet.. uhh Disappointed while the Bottom one its just.. him but sleeping

And uhh.. We reached like 777 Reads I believe?- Dang what a lucky number for This post

Again- Very sorry for the Blurry image-- Just Camera issues..!


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