+Chapter One+

223 8 131

TW: Cannibalism, Eating Organs, Blood Descriptions, Wanting to Vomit, Stitches, Violence, Hyperventilating


I placed my head against the countertop. I knew the manager of this damn cafe was going to get annoyed with me because I'm "slacking," apparently.

I heard the bell on the door jingle, making me raise my head. I looked at the person, a teenager, given the height and the acne. It's not the ideal look a teen wants, but he seems confident enough in his looks, much like I was, considering my odd habits.

"Welcome to the Starry Smiles Cafe. Would you like some coffee or a snack?" I asked with very little enthusiasm, ironic considering the name.. The workers were meant to smile around the customers, but I didn't care. Besides, people left the moment I greeted them with a smile, so I decided not to after a bit of it.

The teen looked at the board we had. It's kinda like a menu, but not... I guess. He tapped his chin with his finger as he thought about his options. It wasn't much either. Four, maybe five different types of coffee, the add-ins varying, so they aren't listed. The snacks we have maybe 5 to pick from, despite one always being "out." It never was, I just really liked them. I still paid for them, so it wasn't stealing.

"Maybe just a black coffee and one of the apple-fritters?" He seemed as an odd teen. I've never met a teen who would choose a black coffee when theirs options of mochas and Frappuccinos.

I didn't bother questioning it, so I got up and began to work on the order. He didn't move from the counter, just standing there staring at me. His eyes were trailing over my body, I could tell. I could, in a way, feel his eyes linger in the area of my waist and ass.

This wasn't new. In fact, there was this one worker, Penny was her name, she was obsessed with our 'boss', but it wasn't returned, clearly. So she always opted to harassing and assaulting me instead, granted I wasn't bothered, and I let her. She was a little creepy, calling me the boss's name in a flirtatious voice.

Luckily, Penny is gone. Unluckily, so was the "boss," and the new one was an asshole! Thankfully, I never came into contact with her unless it was after my shift.

I let out a sigh before I felt the hot coffee land directly from the faucet onto my hand. I hissed between my teeth, shaking my hand around softly. I looked at the coffee, seeing it done. I placed the lid on it before grabbing the apple fritter and putting it on a napkin.

"Here you are, enjoy." My voice was tired and in slight pain as I handed the coffee and snack to him. "Anything else?"

"Your number."

"Funny joke, you're like 16, I'm 23, not gonna happen," a small chuckle left my mouth as I turned around and began to clean. I needed to clean this, even though there's always a worker that will clean it later before fully closing.

The teen rolled his eyes, moving away from the counter, going to a booth by the window, his body facing away from me. I glanced by my window in the kitchen, and I swear to you there was a red blur that just bolted past. It was fully red, too. I had to do a double take when I first glanced and when I fully saw it run. It was running back and forth, granted it was at a far distance, but it was still there...

I just sighed, probably some homeless man trying to get arrested so he'll get a decent place to sleep, granted the laws here stopped letting people arrest the homeless unless for murder or bank stealing... yeah, the doors are always locked at every place, except for the bank, funnily enough.

My stomach growled. I went to go find those good ol' coconut cookies (if allergic, or don't like, change) that I always hide from everyone. I grabbed one, biting into it and adoring the taste, but it didn't work. I knew what this meant. I knew what my body was craving.

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