Chapter Thirteen | Poses.

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Ava glared at the number on her phone. 

Those numbers, they were haunting.

She felt intimidated, threatened by the mere sight of it. She couldn't comprehend the numbers even if she wished to. 

She was good with remembering, but she couldn't remember these for the life of her.

Every recalled unit digit number meant she was a step closer to dialling it in every corner of the planet. Every number she memorised, she was closer to calling him.


The man of Haveria.

And that thought scared her.

That terrified her, knowing he had left his number on purpose.

For what reason? For what agenda?

Did he know something she didn't?

Did he just plant something for her to feel miserable with?

It just scared her.

Remembering her body was facing his back once it was all over, remembering how he got up with those rugged, muscled shoulders, remembering him looking back at her but she couldn't look at him again.

That night could've been a blur.

Yet it wasn't.

She couldn't dare to think what would happen if she texted or called that number.

She already asked it a million times in her head, why did the man ever bother leaving his number to her? 

Especially after he was a criminal while she was a normal citizen, it couldn't be that obvious. 

And despite her being normal, he left precious information in her hands, not caring what she'd do with it. 

Maybe he just didn't. He didn't care to think she could report him to the authorities.

That's because he knew she wouldn't.

Her body bonded with his. He was her first kiss, her first touch, her first everything. And it was evident on her body, still not healed yet despite taking strong drugs to make the bruising go away.

And for that same reason, he'd have control over her even if they would never meet again.

Already, it is bad enough that he was a bad guy. But it would feel wrong to call Dariel up and give him this number for investigation.

Dariel would kill her for keeping such a secret.

But Ava couldn't help it. She had that underlying fear that if she did report this incident to Dariel, that man would go after her.

And he'll finish what he started.

He'd choke her to death for good this time.

Their mere meeting had stained Ava's virtue. Not only was her celibacy gone, but even her conscience was making her protect a clear threat that could strike at any time. 

It was making her keep the bad guy safe.

She, the Operator, was protecting a bad guy.

Her hopeless romantic mind would sometimes even go to the point where she'd think she might be watched by the man from afar, secretly trailed by him because of his likings, but that was not possible.

She shut down all possible doors for the man to find her.

He didn't have her number, and he didn't know anyone related to her.

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