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The sun was shining bright, the sunlight was giving warm sensation. The birds keep chirping and the breeze was refreshing. The leaves of plants were covered with few drops of water describing the early morning scene.

Lan zhan, Lan xichen and Jiang cheng was standing in the hallway of Cloud recesses. Who just returned from Caiyi town as they went to find Wei wuxian there. They have been searching for him since midnight but now the sun was rising.

"Wangji lets talk with shufu about it!" exclaimed Lan xichen.

"Martial gods!" exclaimed Lan zhan as something came into his mind.

"We have searched everything and everywhere except them! What if they are the reason behind Wei wuxian absence?" exclaimed Jiang cheng.

"I don't think it's the cause!" exclaimed Lan xichen even though he didn't get to meet them properly but they don't seemed evil to him at all.

"Ofcourse, you can't doubt anyone! kind hearted as always!" exclaimed Jiang cheng sarcastically.

"Jiang wanyin is right!" exclaimed Lan zhan as Wei wuxian won't disappear on his own.

By discussing this Jiang cheng and Lan zhan went towards guest rooms and Lan xichen went to inform Lan qiren.


A male figure was sleeping in the sense of bloom. His sleep got disturbed as the rays of sunlight make its way toward his face, after trying to sleep again he couldn't help but finally opened his eyes. out of discomfort.

Wei wuxian rubbed his eyes inorder to see clearly only to find himself in an unknown place. He adjusted his place and started to analysing the place. That was chamber which looked quite expensive as his eyes landed on the door and structure of the room, that was designed in eyes catching manner.

Then, his eyes followed the path, light was coming from. He watched the curtains half folded but suddenly his attention went toward the person who was leaning on the wall beside curtains and watching him with an smile.

"You woke up!" exclaimed Hua cheng as he walks near him.

"Y-You!" exclaimed Wei wuxian as his eyes widened in realisation.

"What is this place? Why you took me here? Why was I sleeping? I am here since when? You better tell me!" exclaimed Wei wuxian slightly getting angry.

"Calm down a-ying! So many questions at a time? It's not good for your health!" replied Hua cheng with the same smile. Wei wuxian hurriedly searched something inside his robes and got shocked not finding it.

"Are you perhaps looking for this?" questioned Hua cheng with a smirk showing him the Ghost flute, Wei wuxian was definitely searching for. Wei wuxian gesture his hand to hold the Chenqing but Hua cheng make it disappear as soon as Wei wuxian touched it.

"Give me back Chenqing!" exclaimed Wei wuxian getting up from the bed.

"No!" replied Hua cheng simply.

"Uhh, What do you even want from me?" asked Wei wuxian in frustration.

"Nothing! Come here and eat the meal while it's hot! I made it myself especially for my a-ying!" exclaimed Hua cheng as he sat down by the table placed a little far from bed. Two bowls of noodles was kept on the table neatly.

"I am not a-ying! So, I can't eat what is not made for me!" exclaimed Wei wuxian gritting his teeth.

"Stop being so stubborn! I thought I have missed my son childhood but after seeing you I can't tell if you have actually grown up!" exclaimed Hua cheng at childish antics of Wei wuxian.

Wei wuxian think for sometime and eventually sat beside Hua cheng, not looking at him though.

Hua cheng began to eat spicy noddles he made without asking Wei wuxian to join him at all. It annoyed Wei wuxian more because he was actually hungry as he didn't eat anything since yesterday morning.

Wei wuxian gulped as he watched Hua cheng was about to eat the bowl which was placed for him. Being tortured by hunger Wei wuxian decided to snatch his right, the only bowl of noddles left there.

"Someone earlier said he can't eat it!" exclaimed Hua cheng after a chuckle.

"I am just hungry!" exclaimed Wei wuxian while frowning. Hua cheng found his so extremely adorable but was he going to admit? Nah!

Hua cheng smiled after seeing Wei wuxian who placed noddles in his mouth, he swear it was the best spicy noodles he ever had, even the amount of spice was perfect, it would be great if he could eat it more often with that thought he finsihed his food and drink a cup of water. After filling his little stomach now it's time to go back home.

"We are done! Lets go back to Cloud recesses!" exclaimed Wei wuxian showing his bunny smile to bribe Hua cheng.

"A-ying you shouldn't try to oversmart your father!" said Hua cheng as observed Wei wuxian's move. For what he observed is that Wei wuxian was looking for a chance to escape from there.

"Hmp!" pouted Wei wuxian no matters what he can't fool this clever ghost.

'How cute is my son!' thought Hua cheng because the sulking Wei wuxian was the most adorable creature ever to exist.

"What? Lets go back!" exclaimed Wei wuxian and pouted more.

"Don't pout! You look ugly!" said Hua cheng who didn't even himself get why he said that.

"Ugly huh? I am the most beautiful!" exclaimed Wei wuxian with a frown.

'Yes ofcourse my gege birthed the most beautiful angel!' thought Hua cheng.

"I never imagined my son to be so delusional!" said Hua cheng instead of his thought.

"Delusional? Me? You-" exclaimed Wei wuxian as he point his finger at Hua cheng while standing up with an halt.

"Me what?" asked Hua cheng with an smirk as he also stand up.

"If i am ugly then you are - you, you are fugly!" said Wei wuxian glaring him.

"Hahaha!" laughed Hua cheng at Wei wuxian choice of a word.

"Stop laughing! I am not joking!" exclaimed Wei wuxian as he winched.

"Okay, okay your highness!" replied Hua cheng with a smile as he was happy because he never thought Wei wuxian will talk with him let alone eating what he cooked.

𝐇𝐮𝐚 𝐘𝐢𝐧𝐠 [] 𝐘𝐢𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐏𝐚𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐜𝐡 ✓Where stories live. Discover now