𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 ᅳ 𝐦𝐚𝐦𝐚'𝐬 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞

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new character introduction; Amanda Trager-Foster / portrayed by Samantha Sloyan

new character introduction; Amanda Trager-Foster / portrayed by Samantha Sloyan

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Five weeks. It had taken five whole weeks for the trial to take place and a verdict to be given to Fawn. Five long weeks in which Sage had to wait, not knowing whether her younger sister would even get the sentence she deserved.

Amanda, their mother, came to Charming three weeks ago after Fawn called her in tears. Amanda had tried more than once to convince Sage to take back her testimony and, as if this wasn't  enough already, today the woman showed up at Sage and Happy's front door, begging her daughter to think about her decision even though the verdict had already been made.

Without really having any other choice, Sage closed the door behind her with a sigh after Amanda pushed past her like a wild animal, her fingers closed tightly around the handles of the brown bag that hung over her mother's shoulder.

There was despair on the woman's face. Her mom looked pretty good considering she was in her early fifties. But that was also because Amanda was taking care of her bodyᅳ which wasn't a bad thing. She just needed to work on her attitude towards others just as much as she works in her body.

"You have to do something, Sage! Didn't you see how scared Fawn was when she was taken away in handcuffs?" Pleading but with a certain severity, Amanda gave her daughter a stern look.

Clearing her throat, Sage crossed her arms, rolling her shoulders slightly. "You know, I still find it frightening how you still protect Fawn. You heard what she did, right? I fuckin' told you, mom. Hell, even she told you!"

"Yeah, of course I heard that", sighing, Amanda placed her hands on Sage's shoulders, who almost flinched at the touch. Her mother just had that effect on people. "But she's still your sister. You can't tell me you didn't see how much she regrets the whole thing!"

"Regrets the whole thing?" Sage asked with a disbelieving huff before shaking off her mother's hands, heading into the kitchen. She needed a drink. "I don't give a shit whether she regrets it or not, she is responsible for my baby's death! She's lucky she's in jail now and not six feet under."

"Sage!" Amanda's tone was sharp, cutting even. She stared intently at her daughter, her hands braced on the countertop of the kitchen island. "I don't want to hear anything like that from you or Dawn ever again, do you hear me?"

"I'm not five anymore, stop scolding me like a little child." One of Sage's eyebrows shot up in irritation as a snort left her lips. "Aren't you the one who hasn't spoken to Aunt Sam in years because of some stupid reason? At least I have a real reason to be pissed."

"Don't change the topic", the woman with bright red hair and a face full of freckles warned sharply.

Her mother looked so harmless, innocent even. But Amanda was far away from being that. Amanda Trager was one of the most frightening women Sage knew, ten times more intimidating than Gemma. As soon as Amanda put on her stern look, a chill ran down Sage's spine every timeᅳ even now. But even worse was her mother's smile when she was angry. Her smile could be beautiful and warm, causing all worries to go away. But there was the other smile. A smile that made her look like a woman who would put poison in your tea and then calmly watch you suffocate and choke on your own blood.

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