-CHAPTER NINE- Leaving Gravity Falls

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We all woke up early the next morning, ready to start our journey. We had a quick breakfast before shouldering our packs. We would be heading out soon.

'Goodbye, Sixer I'll miss you,' Stan said.

'Goodbye Stan, keep well. I'll miss you too,' Ford said. The two brothers hugged one another.

'Melody, I'll miss you. I will count the days until I see you again,' Soos said, tickling Melody's stomach and making her laugh.

'Soos, stop it! I'll miss you more,' Melody said and we all could hear the sadness in her voice.

'Goodbye little dude. Daddy's going on an adventure with his friends,' Soos said addressing Melody's stomach.

Candy and Grenda arrived at the Mystery Shack in a cloud of dust.

'Girls, are you ready for an adventure?' Mabel asked them.

'Yes, we certainly are!' Candy and Grenda screamed in unison.

'At first, my parents were against the idea of me taking a dangerous trip like this, but they realised that Bill posed a greater threat. When my mother learned that there was something out there that would destroy him for good, she was all over the idea,' Grenda said.

'My parents basically thought the exact same thing,' Candy said.

'Ready to go my little nerd?' Pacifica asked.

'Your little nerd is at the ready, my lady,' I said, bowing deeply.

Ford clapped his hands, and everyone fell silent.

'People, here's the basic plan. Our first port of call is old man McGucket's cabin, which is about 112 kilometres from here. Once we reach the cabin, we will be able to restock our supplies. It will take us about a week to reach the cabin. The very next day, we will travel on until we reach our destination. I estimate that the last leg of our journey will take five days. When we have the crystal in our possession, we will travel the same way back. Are there any questions?' Ford asked.

Nobody had a single question to ask.

'Then I assume we all understand the plan. Dipper,' Ford said.

'Yes Gruncle Ford,' I answered.

'I just want to make sure that we have everything. The map and the compass?' Ford asked.

'Yes, and I have extras just in case,' I answered.

'That's smart. Do we have weapons with us?'

'Yes, we do.'

'Food and water?'


'Alright, we are good to go,' Ford said.

We waved goodbye and took our first steps towards the crystal. By late afternoon we had left the borders of Gravity Falls behind us.

'Goodbye Gravity Falls, I'll miss you. See you in about four weeks,' Mabel said. She stopped and looked back at the town.

'Come on Mabel, keep up,' Ford said.

'Coming,' she said.

Mabel walked up to Ford.

'Gruncle Ford, I had to look back for the last time. We are going to be away for an entire month.'

'Yes, I know. It's a long time to be away from the town you love. I will miss Gravity Falls too,' Ford said.

Later that night they found a lovely place to settle down and set up camp. Ford and Soos went to get firewood and the girls, and I shook out our sleeping bags and put them down on the ground. When Soos and Ford returned we made a campfire. Ford cooked steaks for us.

'Lovely, steaks for dinner on the first night of our one-month journey,' Mabel said.

'Don't expect this kind of luxury every night. Eventually, we will have to hunt for food. There aren't any grocery stores where we are going,' Ford said.

'Gruncle Ford, just let me enjoy my meal.' She munched on her steak with relish.

'This is delicious, Ford. It's better than the steak I had when I was still rich,' Pacifica said, licking her fingers.

'Thanks, Pacifica.'

'Dude, I loved it, but I'm dead tired. I'm going to sleep,' Soos said and yawned.

He climbed into his sleeping bag and was soon asleep. Walking the entire way had exhausted him.

'I'm going to take a whizz,' Ford said.

He stood up and walked to a nearby tree, whistling an old country music tune. Behind him, the girls started talking.

'Since we haven't been able to chat because of all the crazy stuff that has been happening the past two days, I wanted to ask you Grenda how things are between you and Baron?' Mabel asked.

'Great, he's coming to Gravity Falls in August, all the way from Austria,' she answered.

'Ugh, girl stuff. I'm joining Gruncle Ford. I need to have a chat with him,' I said.

I stood up and walked to Ford who was staring at the night sky.

'I guess the girls are talking about boys,' he said.

'Yes, they are. Do you really think the crystal will kill Bill once and for all?' I asked.

'Yes, but we will have to fabricate a gun that can harvest the crystal's power. It's not an easy, quick job, it will take a while to build.'

'The sooner we get that crystal and build the weapon, the better,' I said.

The girls still hadn't finished their talk.

'Mabel, have you had any boyfriends since last summer?' Grenda asked.

'Not really no,' she answered.

'What about Gideon?' Candy asked.

'Don't know how I feel about him. He changed for the better since Weirdmageddon. Where is he anyway? I haven't seen him since Dipper and I returned to Gravity Falls,' Mabel said.

'He's in Canada visiting family. He'll be there until the end of August,' Pacifica answered.

'Candy any boyfriends we should know about?' Mabel asked.

'Yes, I have a boyfriend. His name is Jonathan Samuel Naidu, but people call him Sammy. He is visiting family in South Africa. That's why I haven't introduced you yet,' she answered.

'How did the two of you meet?' Mabel asked.

'It's such a cliché really. We met one day at the mall while I was shopping with Grenda, and he asked me out to dinner. I said yes and the rest as they say is history.'

Mabel looked at Pacifica.

'Me? No one, I guess,' Pacifica said.

'What about Dipper?' Mabel asked.

Pacifica was caught off guard.

'Well...I...um...' she mumbled.

Before Pacifica could answer Ford and I came back.

'We must get some sleep. We still have a long journey ahead of us,' Ford said.

'You're right. I'm dead tired. See you in the morning,' Pacifica said, stretching her legs before heading to her sleeping bag.

Everyone followed suit. Within minutes we were all asleep. 

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