-CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE-Finding the crystal

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Meanwhile, Soos and Jaco were still searching for the crystal.

'Any distinct signals?' Jaco asked.

'Yes, it should be around the next corner.'

They arrived in a hollowed-out cavern. The crystal sat on top of a strange machine. Soos and Jaco guessed that it was the device Bill would use to restore his power.

'We found the crystal,' Soos said excitedly.

'Shh! Quiet down. Do you want to get us caught?' Jaco whispered.

'I'm just so excited, dude.'

Jaco reached for the crystal and took it down. Alarms sounded. He stuffed the crystal into his backpack.

'Call Fiddleford,' he said.

'McGucket, we got the crystal. We're on our way back,' Soos said into the walkie talkie.

'Roger that,' McGucket said.

'We have to hurry. Bill and his evil minions are probably right on our tail.' Jaco hurried Soos out of the cavern.

'Dude. doesn't this feel a bit too easy?' Soos asked.

'Why do you think so?'

'Bill wants to use this crystal, right? I just feel like he would have better security than a few alarms going off.'

'Correct, let's be extra careful, Soos.' Their words were not even cold when zombies appeared at the exit.

'Oh, shit dude! Do you know the lyrics of 'Taking over tonight'?'

'No, why?'

'It's a way to explode all of the zombie's heads simultaneously,' Soos answered.

'That's just weird. Let's get the hell out of here!' Jaco screamed.

Soos and Jaco ran like hell, shooting at the zombies who blocked their way. They took a wrong turn and ended up in a different passageway which led them to the outside, but on the opposite side of the mountain. They had no idea where they were in relation to the rest of the group. The zombies followed, hot on their heels.

'Soos, call Fiddleford quick!' Jaco shouted.

'McGucket, we need help. We are trying to escape from a horde of zombies, over.'

Old man McGucket looked down at the tracking screen. They were not too far from the boat's location.

'I'm coming. Stay where you are, over,' McGucket replied.

'Not an option!' Soos screamed.

McGucket hoisted the anchor, sailed out of the bay and honed in on their location.

'McGucket is on his way, Jaco.'

'Hope he gets here quick. We can't run forever.'

'I definitely do not want to become zombie food, thank you,' Soos said as he zigzagged across the rough terrain.

'Zombies are more terrifying in real life than in movies and TV shows that's for sure.'

'I totally agree, Jaco. Being turned into a zombie is terrible, believe me.'

Jaco looked at Soos.

'You were a zombie once?' he asked.

'Yes, obviously they turned me back to normal. All I could think about was brains.'

Ten minutes later, they saw the Stan 'O War II approaching. They waved their hands to alert McGucket.

'Over here! Over here!' Soos yelled.

McGucket dropped the anchor, lowered another dinghy and rowed towards them, armed with a bazooka.

'Get in quickly!' McGucket yelled.

Jaco and Soos did as they were told.

'Duck!' McGucket shouted.

He aimed a bazooka at the zombies and took the shot. They exploded on impact.

'Ford had a bazooka in the armoury?' Soos asked.

'He also has nuclear codes for every country on earth,' McGucket answered. and Jaco and Soos were floored.

'He will only use the nuclear bombs in the worst-case scenario, though,' McGucket reassured them.

'How the hell did Ford even get the nuclear codes?' Soos asked.

'He hacked the Pentagon, and no one noticed. Only Ford and I knew about this, but now so do you.'

'I can't believe that the government did not notice, dude. Ford is prepared for anything. The dude blows my mind. Have you finished the gun?' Soos asked.

'It's almost done. I must just adjust the gun to the crystal and then its ready to fire. Give me a hand with the dinghy.' Soos and Jaco helped to fasten the dinghy before they all clambered aboard.

'Keep the crystal in your backpack until we need it, Jaco. The damn thing could vaporise us,' McGucket said.

'Got it.'

'Dude, I'll steer the boat back. You two can go ahead and work on the gun,' Soos offered.

'Thanks. Let's go, Jaco, time's a wasting,' McGucket said, eager to have the weapon ready as soon as possible. They head below deck. 'Hopefully the others can distract Bill long enough for me to finish the weapon,' he continued. 

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