-CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN- The weather is unfair

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The men on board of the Stan 'O War II were sailing towards the rest of their team when Jaco noticed something odd.

'Soos, you might want to see this.'

Soos came out of the cockpit and joined Jaco at the starboard railing. Zombies were swimming towards the boat extremely fast.

'Oh, come on! We just escaped them. Jaco, go down and warn old man McGucket.' Jaco's footsteps thundered down the stairway.

'Fiddleford! The zombies are swimming towards us, at lightning speed.'

'What? Do they really want the crystal that badly. I can't help you now. Hold them off. I have to finish the gun. No distractions, you hear?' McGucket glared at Jaco.

'We'll try,' Jaco said and ran back to rejoin Soos. Zombies were already climbing the sides of the boat and would soon reach the deck. Jaco drew his gun. Soos disappeared into the cockpit and locked the door.

'Soos, look out!' Jaco shouted and shot a zombie.

'Can you please hold them off while I am piloting the ship? I can't concentrate on sailing and defending myself. Keep me safe,' Soos pleaded.

'I'm on it!' Jaco shouted and blasted the zombies.

Some of the zombies were regenerating their limbs. Jaco could not believe his eyes.

'What the fuck? They're regrowing their limbs, Soos. Stop the boat. Drop the anchor,' Jaco demanded.

'What are we going to do, Jaco?' Soos asked as he anchored the boat and left the cockpit.

'No idea, but the last time I checked, zombies weren't able to do that.'

'I know, dude.'

'Retreat?' Jaco asked. Soos nodded and they rushed down to McGucket.

Below deck, the man in question had just finished the gun.

'I'm finally finished,' McGucket said.

Soos and Jaco burst into the room. They slammed the door behind them and locked it.

'The look on your faces tells me something is terribly wrong,' McGucket said.

'Yes, the zombies can regrow their limbs. The laser guns are useless, unless...' Soos said, looking at the gun.

'We can use the gun on them. As a test run,' Jaco said and picked up the weapon.

The door splintered, cracked and fell away. A zombie had broken through. Jaco vaporized it, along with parts of the wall.

'It works! Let's blow these creatures to smithereens. I'll lower the setting, otherwise we probably won't have a boat left to speak of,' McGucket said. He took it from Jaco, fiddled with the settings and handed it to Soos. 'Your turn,' he said.

Soos ran around the ship, shooting at every zombie he saw.

'I love this!' he shouted as he single-handedly destroyed all of the creatures.

McGucket looked at the horizon, noticing that dark storm clouds were gathering.


I was still chasing him. Wax Sherlock shot at me, but I managed to dodge the bullet.

'Damn!' he swore, turned back and kept on running.

Somehow, I knew what he was planning.

'Sherlock don't even think about it,' I warned.

'What? Kill Pacifica? Why not? Bill forbade me, but I think I will do it anyway. Catch me if you can.'

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