A really ugly boy (Ben) like I mean REALLY ugly is about to start senior high school and gets this really MASSIVE glow up by this really rich girl (Sarah) who is a lesbian but has to pretend to be straight to keep her family's reputation in line (like xo kitty, that Netflix show, it's cool, check it out) by fake dating this guy and she gives him this glow up because she can't stand to look at his face and they end up falling for each other's best friend the boy falls in love with Jane (lady main character's best friend), and Sarah falls in love with Ben's sister, Allie. Then they all died by a fire so it was a sad ending
Story Ideas
HumorStory Feel free to take the story but give meeee credit plzzzzzzzzzzz 😢😢😢😭😢😭😭😭🥲🥲🥲🥲😢😭😢😝😛😞🥺🥺🤪😞