CRIME 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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≫ ─────── ≪•◦ ❈ ◦•≫ ─────── ≪

warnings01 : strong language02 : nsfw but not fully smut03 : dry humping04 : whimpering & begginf😈05 : greenflagness of ogkazuha coming outcoming out?!?!06 : slightly blood07 : scratching 😳08 : mentions of masturbating09 : TENSIONNNNNN

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01 : strong language
02 : nsfw but not fully smut
03 : dry humping
04 : whimpering & begginf😈
05 : greenflagness of og
kazuha coming out
coming out?!?!
06 : slightly blood
07 : scratching 😳
08 : mentions of masturbating



Kazuha matched my expression, but he was silent, simply staring at the ground with a shocked look.

"Kazuha!" I cry out, my voice and body shaky. In a fast motion, I step toward him and wrap my arms around him, rubbing his back to comfort him. "I'm so sorry, I'm so, so sorry. I shouldn't have done that, I'm so sorry."

But he had other plans.

He pushed me away and opened the door to the closet. Before I could even react, he shoved me inside. I nearly screamed if it wasn't for him cutting my scream off with his lips roughly pushing up against mine.

I moan into the kiss, wet eyes tightly shut as rakes his fingers up my waist and under my clothes. His hand circles my waist, pushing into my back. I arched my back, my chest pushing into his.

He takes a step back, his hand holding one of my wrists in place as the other shuts and locks the door with a simple twist of his fingers. The light that flowed through the crack of the door disappeared. Darkness completely overcame my vision and I sucked my stomach in.

His now free hand latches onto my wrist, which crept up too close to between his legs for his liking. I whined as he took my wrist and shoved it behind my back with my other one.

Dizziness struck me like a bell. It wasn't out of pain, but pleasure. My eyes rolled to the back of my head as he trailed his lips down from my chin to my chest, which was now visible from my unbuttoned shirt.

He glared up at me as he sucked on my skin. My body shook and I heaved and whined at the feeling of his teeth sinking into me. He backed his head away, leaving a purple spot and a string of saliva connecting the mark with his lips. He straightened his back once more and our tongues began to dance once more.

My skirt was close to falling off my hips and my nails scratched against Kazuha's back when he tilted his head to push me into his head even more.

☆ stay quiet ━━ yandere k. kazuha x reader .ᐟWhere stories live. Discover now