Chapter 17

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"Kookie! I'll come in now." Seokjin said before getting inside Jungkook's room.

Unfortunately, Jungkook is not around.

"I am sure he entered his room earlier." Seokjin said. He then heard the knob from the bathroom door being twisted. He smiled and stood in front of the bathroom waiting for his Kookie but what he saw surprised him more.

Jungkook's only wearing a towel around his waist. His hair is still wet and the drops of the water are slowly dripping down his body.

Seokjin looked away.

"Why are you here, Jinnie?"

Seokjin pouted. "I am here to practice kissing with you." He said.

Jungkook's eyes widened and stopped putting on clothes for a moment. "You what?"

"Practice kissing with you." Seokjin said again.

"W-why are we going to do that?" Jungkook asked. "You can look now, I'm wearing sweatpants and shirt." He said, prompting Seokjin to look back.

"Y-you didn't like how we kissed l-last night."

"Why would you say that?" Jungkook asked as he walked past Seokjin towards his bed.

Seokjin followed and sat on Jungkook's bed as he watched him check on his phone. "Y-you left at the table earlier when we talked about it."

Jungkook sighed and put down his phone on his side table. He looked at Seokjin's pouty face and then sat beside him.

"Jinnie, look... I know you only kissed me because you were drugged and ---"

"I kissed you because I always wanted to! The drug just gave me the confidence. I always wanted to know how it feels to kiss you and now I feel like I should not have kissed you last night. I should have practiced more."

"What? Practice? What kind of practice?"

"I wanted to practice kissing someone. Maybe Jiminie-hyung and Joonie-hyung can---"

Jungkook suddenly stood up. "Stop!"

"Now, you are mad! Is that how much you hate my kiss?!" Seokjin said with glossy eyes, feeling almost crying.

"Why would you even practice with them?!" Jungkook asked with clear disappointment and high tone of voice.

"B-because y-you d-don't like h-how I k-kiss!" Seokjin said now crying.

"Kissing doesn't need to be practiced! If you want to kiss, you can only kiss me and no one else! Stop saying other people's names for the sake of kissing!" Jungkook said then turned his back on Seokjin while he pulls his hair.

Seokjin was shocked by what Jungkook mentioned but he slowly stood up from the bed and tapped Jungkook's shoulder.

"What?!" Jungkook asked when he turned his body to face Seokjin.

Seokjin then hugged Jungkook by his neck and kissed him suddenly.

Jungkook's eyes widened but feeling Seokjin's lips on his made him calm. He then closed his eyes and held Jin's waist to kiss him deeper, pulling him closer to him, this time he initiated the movements and Seokjin followed as he tilted his head to give Jungkook more space.

They stood there kissing each other, exploring each other's mouth as they start licking and tasting each other.


"Do you think they already talked? Jungkook did not respond but left me on read." Namjoon asked Jimin as the latter drove.

"I am sure they are still talking, not just sure how. Maybe next time we can suggest putting CCTV in his room. I would love to see how Jinnie makes him crazy." Jimin said smirking.

"And then be killed the next day? Nah! I currently love my life and my everyday pleasure." Namjoon said as he light up his cigarette.

Jimin did not answer but looked at the map on his car towards their destination. "We're here." He said.

Namjoon smirked and suddenly sat up straight.

"Somebody's excited." Jimin remarked while parking the car.

"Who won't be? Aren't you?"

"My ass is more excited than me." Jimin said chuckling.

As they got down the car, they put on their shades and made sure that their clothes show how confident they are, even though they're having chills as they walk towards the place.

Namjoon rang the bell as they stopped in front of the apartment number given to them.

Hoseok immediately opened the door.

"Professor Kim! Glad to have you here." He said then looked at Jimin. "Professor Park, I didn't know you'll also be here."

"Actually, Yoongi invited me. How are you, Hoseok?"

"I am doing good, Professor. Please come inside. Yoongi's just taking a shower in his room."

🔞 slight smut... NamSeok and YoonMin

"Hello, Hoseok. I have missed you." Namjoon said then kissed Hoseok as soon as they entered the house.

"Impatient." Jimin mumbled. "I'll leave the two of you here. Don't worry about the noise, Hoseok. I'm a screamer myself." Jimin said, not even sure if Hoseok heard him as Namjoon started caressing and touching every inch of Hoseok's body.

Jimin went straight to what he thinks is the bedroom and knocked on each door. When he heard Yoongi's voice he straighten up his body and opened the door.

"Oh, Professor Park. Sorry, I did not know you'll be here this soon." Yoongi said as he just completed his shower and he's only wearing his boxer shorts.

"Don't worry, Yoongi, I am not here to play anyway. I'm here for real business." He said while walking near Yoongi.

He traced the boy's body with his finger starting with his exposed chest down to his stomach. He then looked at Yoongi, who's currently frozen.

"S-should w-we o-order s-something?" Yoongi asked looking at Jimin.

"I don't think we need that if we have condoms." Jimin said whispering at Yoongi.

"I---I j-just bought some e-earlier when you said y-you'll be here." Yoongi said, still frozen.

"Good boy." Jimin said, then licked Yoongi's ears having an effect to the latter's dick.

"We can start, my ass was craving for you. It missed your cock last night." Jimin said then kissed Yoongi, as he pushes him towards the bed.

They stopped kissing when Yoongi dropped on the bed. Jimin removed all his clothes before climbing on the bed and straddled him, pointing Yoongi's clothed cock to his hole.

"Fuck!" Yoongi said as he felt Jimin grinding on top of him.

"Pleasure me, daddy." He whispered to Yoongi.

Upon hearing this, Yoongi manhandled him and moved himself on top of Jimin.

"My pleasure, baby." He said then attacked Jimin's lips again.

Meanwhile, Namjoon and Hoseok were still kissing at the living room, but this time, they are on the sofa, with Hoseok on top of Namjoon.

"You're a minx." Namjoon said as he felt Hoseok's hand inside his pants.

"I miss your cock, Professor." Hoseok said as he licks his way down Namjoon's body, while palming the older's cock.

"Prove it." Namjoon said.

That's the last straw for Hoseok as he pull Namjoon's pants down, together with his underwear. He kneeled down then released Namjoon's cock.

He started licking it and Namjoon grunted, enjoying Hoseok's mouth and tongue working on his cock.

Namjoon then heard a pleasured scream and a moan from a room and he smirked, he was sure it was Jimin's. He smiled at Hoseok. "Maybe next time we can join them, but today I want you all mine." He said pulling Hoseok by his hair to make him look at him and pushed his head back down to his cock. "Fuck! I love your mouth." He said over and over again as the college boy pleasured him with his mouth.

✅ Completed: The Hot BodyguardWhere stories live. Discover now