𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 ᅳ 𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐞𝐝 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞

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It had been three months since all the events had happened

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It had been three months since all the events had happened. Three months in which Sage finally had the space to breathe again without constantly having to run into her younger sister. Just a few days after Amanda Trager's visit, she had decided to leave Charming again, disappointed that she had to do so without Sage, Violet and Hayley.

Jax' look that he had given Amanda when she came by the clubhouse before she drove back to Arizona to say goodbye to Hayley was burned into Sage's mind. Probably no one had ever looked at her mom with so much hatred and menace, his blue eyes like daggers that could attack Amanda at any moment.

On one hand, Sage was happy that her niece at least had a father who would do anything for her while her mother was in prison. On the other hand, she had felt the bile rose in her throat as she had to watch how protective Jax was over his daughter. Sage could've needed that protection back then for their son. Instead, Jax didn't really care how she felt during that time, even if he regretted that now.

But, as difficult as it still was for her sometimes, Sage had decided to be the bigger person and let go of her grudge against Jax. Since she now lived permanently in Charming and would probably run into Jax a few times per week, she needed to learn to fully forgive himᅳ but that didn't mean she would ever forget either.

But living in Charming also had its good sides. She had a family here, a real family. If she needed help or if she and Happy were simply exhausted and needed a few hours to recharge, all it took was a phone call.

Tig, Gemma, even Ima were always willing to watch Violet for a few hours or go to the park with the baby. Out of desperation, Sage and Happy had been to the doctor several times, worried that there was a reason why Violet slept so little and cried so much. It turned out she had colic.

Nothing serious but definitely unpleasant for a baby and it broke Sage's heart to know her daughter was in pain. But with some tips from Gemma and the doctor, they now had the colic pretty much under control and Violet was doing much better.

Happy had given up his "side job" as a contract killer. He didn't like that he had to give it up, but he understood Sage's point. He had made some good extra money. But the club was now also making some money from legitimate business, which benefitted them all.

He knew that Sage wasn't a fan of him now spending some time in a brothel. Happy made sure that every time he had to accompany Jax she knew about it and that she didn't have to worry. He wasn't interested in the whores one bit, he had his wife at homeᅳ so why would even risking a look when he had everything he needed at home?

Jax, on the other hand, let out all his pent-up frustration by fucking the boss of the whores, Colette. As long as it didn't hurt their business, the SAA and the rest cared little what their Pres did in his free time.

Again Sage sat in the clubhouse while Happy, Tig, Chibs and Jax had a meeting with Colette. The redhead wasn't happy and you could tell that she still felt insecure because her body didn't look the same as it did before the pregnancy.

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