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CASSIOPEIA DORCAS SMITH IS BACK AND better than ever for her fourth year at Hogwarts — Wait, no she wasn't. Summer was supposed to be fun, but the World Cup ruined it for her. She thought she would be back at Hogwarts better than ever for her fourth year, but Merlin, she was wrong; She was so so wrong.

She wasn't the girl she used to be; She voiced her opinions, she spoke up in class, she had made friends ( There was someone she wished to be more than friends with, but that was something she knew would never ever happen ).

Yes, she was the better version of herself.

No, she wasn't happy.

She watched people die, sweet, innocent people. And that does something to someone. It ruins their innocence.

Cassie's innocence was beyond ruined after the World Cup.

And just when she thought her year couldn't get any worse, Hogwarts are the host to the Triwizard Tournament, and the death tolls from it are high.

Some people think her gift of being a seer was beautiful; But it was far from that. If Cassie was allowed to change what she keeps seeing, she would, but she knew what needed to happen.

And she knew it was going to absolutely destroy her.

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