𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭: While out in the woods just walking trying to get ready for the night, Valerie is attacked by walkers while Glenn Rhee and Tara Chambler are in the middle of their convo. They save her and she joins them on their way to find Glenn's wife;...
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GLENN AND VALERIE looked out to the small town, the hoard was almost blissfully unaware of their presence in the outside area. Their current group situation was nothing but a mess. Eugene was still out cold, Abraham sat on the concrete like a non moving object. "Come on," Glenn muttered as they headed back to the truck. "They have no clue we're here." Glenn said to Tara as she used up the water to fill their bottles. "That's great news for GREATMV. In less great news for GREATMV, we just scraped the bottom of the water barrel."
Glenn looked at Valerie confused almost as if he was expecting her to have the answer but she shook her head no. "What is — what's GREATMV?" He asked. "Us. Group name. Solidarity. Band of brothers." Tara explained. "GREATMV. Thinking about getting it tattooed on my knuckles." She said throwing them their water bottles. Glenn nodded along and Tara began to apologize. "Sorry, I'm just trying to think of something else, you know?" Glenn nodded again. "Yeah," In the moment Rosita and Maggie came to them as everyone fully grouped up. "Anything?" Tara asked in reference to Eugene's condition. "No." Maggie answered quickly. "Could we take him back to the church?" Valerie asked hopefully, truthfully she didn't care about Eugene but she knew that not being with the other half of the group they'd made was a bad idea. Maggie shook her head no. "Moving him could make him worse."
"What will make him better?" asked Rosita hopefully. "Waking up. If he doesn't..." Maggie answered bluntly, pausing herself. Valerie huffed as she then looked at Abraham and Rosita, he was of course acting like a baby. "Cmon, you haven't had anything to drink all day." She said holding out the water bottle to Abraham. "Take the bottle. Seriously my six year old nephew didn't pull this shit," Rosita was semi cut off by Abraham knocking the bottle out of her hand. Rosita lowered herself to Abraham's level. "Don't do this, Abraham. Look at me."
"Don't," said Abraham, his voice low. "Look at me!" She yelled, the outburst from the women caused Abraham to rise. Thickness and silence in the air as Maggie raised her gun in the air pointing it at Abraham as she clocked it. "Sit down or I'll put you down." Abraham looked blankly and unbothered almost like he wanted her to do it. The moment lingered before Abraham sat himself down. "Well, what's next on the agenda?"
They all fell into a comfortable silence before Glenn spoke. "We need more water." Everyone looked to be gearing up. "There's a creak up the road a few miles southwest of here." Maggie looked upon the group. "Y'all go. I'll stay here." said Maggie confidently. "You sure?" Glenn asked her. "I am."
Glenn and Valerie both looked hesitant as they looked at Abraham, they didn't trust him anymore. "I can stay, if you'd want." Valerie offered, Maggie nodded her head no as they all understood. "Okay." Tara mumbled. Valerie nodded along as she went to grab the swords. Glenn and Maggie shared one last moment before they all went to search for water at that up creak.
———————————— —————— ————————————
The three of them took that long ass walk and made it to the outer areas of the creek. "Just stay here, guys. Don't get up." Tara joked to the walkers strewed and entangled along the fence. "There is nothing for you in Washington." She muttered. "That's not funny, not the time for that." Valerie said a little annoyed, as the youngest of every person in their group she found it a little annoying at some of the jokes Tara would crack. Tara signed and responded. "It's not not not funny."