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"Okay, read," Taylor said again as she handed Dylan her phone

The two girls had been at this for hours. Taylor came over at 4pm, it was now 8:30.

"I love that first part,"

Dylan continued to read and in any place she saw question marks, she quickly got to work to think of a line.

Taylor watched the actress in admiration. She had no idea that Dylan would be so good at this.

The brunette handed Taylor back her phone and Taylor got to reading what she had written down,

"Dude I love that," Taylor replied excitedly, "It's almost finished!"

"Yep, just a few more lines we need to figure out,"

"Okay what about, this to finish up the first verse?" Taylor replied as she turned her phone around

We were crazy to think
Crazy to think that this could work
Remember how I said I'ddiefor you?
We werestupid to jump
In the ocean separatingus
Remember how I'd fly to you?

"I love that, that's amazing Tay," Dylan smiled, "So all that's left is the chorus,"

"What? The chorus is fine,"

"It's missing something, gimme a sec," Dylan said

Dylan started to play the piano once again and quietly hummed the song alongside.

"We'd still worship... this love?" She said quietly to herself

She sang it over and over again in her head to see if it could work and it sounded great to her.

"I think I have it,"

"Let me hear," Taylor said

"What? I can't sing,"

Taylor gave her an 'are you serious?' look,

"I'm serious!"

"Just try, please," Taylor asked with her saddest puppy dog eyes

"I'm only singing the chorus,"

"Okay deal,"

Once again, Dylan started to play the piano, playing a few chords before she started to sing the chorus,

But we might just get away with it
Religion's in your lips
Even if it's a false god
We'd still worship
We might just get away with it
The altar is my hips
Even if it's a false god

We'd still worship this love
We'd still worship this love
We'd still worship this love

Taylor eyes widened. She had never heard Dylan sing properly before, she'd only ever heard her when she was cleaning or in the shower.

"Okay first off, you sound fucking amazing, and second, that thing you done at the end during the last verse? Incredible," Taylor gushed

Dylan's cheek flushed red.

"Uh, thanks Tay, I kinda just went with it,"

"I have to text Jack, he's gonna love this," Taylor replied excitedly as she grabbed her phone to text her friend

Dylan stood up from the piano and made her way to the armchair. She watched as Taylor was rapidly tapping on her phone keyboard as she texted Jack,

"What's he saying?"

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