KICHKING Kitchen Equipment

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Kichking is an international producer of Commercial Kitchen Equipment. Since 2016, we've been dedicated to the evolution of Commercial Kitchen Equipment under our "KICHKING" brand, utilizing cutting-edge technology and energy-efficient products. Our expertise in this industry spans over a decade, with a focus on manufacturing high-quality kitchenware and delivering customer service that exceeds expectations.

Our diverse product range includes commercial refrigeration equipment like chest freezers, undercount freezers, upright freezers, cooling showcases, bar coolers, and wine coolers. Our cooking devices include stockpots, griddles, char-broilers, hot plates, and ovens. We also offer stainless steel furniture such as cabinets, display cases, tables, and sink tables.

We remain committed to introducing innovative, high-quality products to our customers.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 27, 2024 ⏰

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