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"Okay Nidal first move. Triple full!" Salish shouted. Nidal did it.

I clapped and then went onto the trampoline. Salish counted down and on go I flipped.

Nidal clapped surprised. "Next is a triple backflip!" Salish yelled out. I went first this time.

"Never done this before so here goes nothing!" I shouted and flipped. I landed it and looked surprised.

"No way!" I shouted. "Yes!" Salish yelled. Nidal clapped. He went next and did it. "Okay since I want Y/n to win next is the biles ll!" Salish shouted. I laughed.

"Ha no way we can't do that!" Nidal laughed. Salish raised an eye brow.

"Oh really? Y/n you go first." Salish said nodding to me and giving me a smile. I nodded. I took a deep breath and did it.

I landed it perfectly and jumped up yelling. Nidals face was in complete shock.

"Hey Salish let me teach you now it's not raining." I said. She jumped on and I started teaching her.

"Yes now try by yourself. Yes, yes, YES! GO SALISH!" I yelled. Salish landed and grinned. Nidal ran to her and hugged her.

She hugged back her smile big. We all went back inside. I sat on the bed and scrolled through tiktok.

Salish was talking to her fans on YouTube waiting for our video to come out. Nidal was on his phone sitting on Salishes desk.

"Hey Y/n their asking about you." Salish said showing me her phone. I grinned and went back to tiktok.

We had lunch and then Nidal left. After tea me and Salish went to bed early to rest for Jordans video tomorrow.

The next morning I woke up before Salish. I gently nudged her. "Morning." I said looking down at her.

"Morning." She replied rubbing her arms. "Let's wear the same outfit." I said getting out of bed and going to my bag.

Salish got up amd walked to her closet. "Should we wear Nike shorts or leggings?" I asked.

"Shorts!" She replied. I nodded and picked up the shorts. "Y/n should we wear a leotard or crop top?" She questioned.

"How gymnasticy is it going to be?" I answerd. "I'll ask dad." Salish replied.


I grabbed my purple one and so did Salish. "I'm going to wear my oversized Nike t-shirt over it and take it off when we do challenges." I said slipping it on. "Sameee!" Salish squeeled.

I put my hair up into a high ponytail with my bangs out. Salish put it into a low, messy bun. We both ran downstairs and put on our airforces.

We got into the car and drove to the gym. As we were waiting for Nidal and Paxton me and Salish practised our routines for the competition and told each other what we could practise on.

"Stick it, stick it, YES SALISH!" I shouted jumping up and punching the air. She ran over and we high fived.

"Now bar." I said. Bar was mine and Salishes best. Just as we where about to start the boys arrived and Jordan called us over.

"Today my daughter Salish and her best friends are competing in a gymnastics challange!" Jordan said.

"The first challange is giants! Whoever does the most wins that point!" Jordan explained.

"Salish you go your better!" I said patting her on the back and pushing her forwards. "Oh okay then!" She said.

She went first and as I cheered her on Nidal edged closer to me. "Go Say!" I shouted jumping up and down.

"Oh hey Nidal!" I said realising he was next to me. "Hey!" He said. "Come on Say reach 30!" I yelled. Salish jumped down with 31 giants.

I ran up to her and hugged her. Paxton went next. He did 5.

"Y/n we only just beat them!" Salish said. "Yes just it was really close!" I said. The next challange was to do the most backhandsprings.

Salish pushed me forwards. "Remember do as many as you did when you came over to mine!" She shouted. I nodded. Nidal was against me.

"Jeez Y/n your against a world record holder here!" Jordan yelled. Salish pushed him yelling. I smiled and got ready.

Jordan blew the whistle and Salish counted. Paxton counted Nidals. "6,7,8,9,10" Salish said. "29,30,31,32!" I collapsed to the floor my arms tired my head spinning.

I looked over at Nidal he had stopped too. "Salish what did Y/n get?" Jordan asked. "32!" Salish yelled running over and picking me up.

"And Nidal?" Jordan asked Paxton. "32!" Paxton said. "It's a tie you both get the point!" Jordan said.

"We are still winning we just need to win a couple more!" I said to Salish. Next challange was flip into the box. The box got smaller and smaller.

Both people from the team had to get it or they don't get the point. Nidal went first and got it easily so did Paxton, Salish and I.

We got to the smallest one. No one got it. We all went again and straight away Nidal got it earning the boys a point. "Noooo." I said. Salish groaned.

The next challenge was who could hold a handstand the longest. Again we all did it.

Jordan blew the whistle and we all went up. I was in a stag position, Salish split and the boys wobbled around. Paxton went down first then Nidal.

They shouted. Me and Salish went down at the same time and screamed hugging each other. The last one was the best trick on beam.

Salish pushed me forwards. I got up and did a contortion handstand. Jordan took a photo and signaled for Nidal to go.

He did a flip off. Jordan put them on Instagram and said we had to wait until loads of people had voted.

Me and Salish took off our tops revealing our leotards underneath. "Come on let's get back to practise!" Salish said running over to the bar.

I went first and made no mistakes. Salish went next and didn't mess up either.

The boys where eating and watching occasionally cheering us on. Next was beam.

I always messed up on the straight flip, always missing the footing and slipping off. Salish kept missing her ariel.

We kept going until we got it perfect. Then we went over to the boys to eat lunch.

"I wonder who won." I said when I had finished. Salish shrugged. "Obviously the boys!" Nidal said.

I rolled my eyes playfully. Jordan turned on the camera and he looked at the results.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now