Allergic Reaction

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"And the winner is.....THE GIRLS!" He yelled. Me and salish jumped up amd down hugging each other.

"Thanks for watching!" Salish said. "Make sure to like and subscribe!" I said. "And hit those post notifications!" Jordan said and cut the camera.

"DAD can me and Y/n stay here a little longer to practise our routines again?" Salish asked. Jordan nodded and we ran off.

The boys laughed at us and then left. Once me and Salish had run through our routines we went home. I went back to my house and salish to hers.

The next day was school. I got into my uniform and then went on my phone.

I turned my phone off and started walking to school.

I met Salish at her house and we made our way to school. We both had to leave two hours early for the competition.

We both had English and science as we where going to be missing our last two lessons. After science we went home and got changed into our competition leotards.

I put my hair up in a slick bun and packed my bag. Bottle, apple, hoodie and socks. I put on my sliders and Salishes dad picked me up and took us to the competition.

Me and Salish had our fingers crossed when the judges started on medals.

I still couldn't believe I had came joint second with Salish! I was so happy.

Loads of people had entered and I had come out second with my best friend! Jordan celebrated by enviting loads of our friends and doing a YouTube video.

We all just hung out and watched movies. Nidal was acting strange. He called all the boys outside to have a 'chat' with them.

Peyton, Salish and I where really confused but we thought nothing of it. Soon we where all on a sugar high.

Nidal had called all the boys out again so me and the other two talked. "Salish I need to know this!" I said.

"Do you actually like Nidal?" I asked. Salish laughed. "No only as a friend." She said. I could tell she was telling the truth.

"Why?" Peyton asked giggling. "I don't know I'm just wondering you know?" I replied giggling.

Soon we were in heaps of giggles. My mascara ran down my face as I laughed. The boys came in laughing. Nidal ran over to me.

"Are you okay what's wrong?" He asked worriedly. I laughed even harder. "Nothing just laughing." I said.

Soon everyone was on the floor asleep. I was next to Peyton. I suddenly woke up. I was struggling to breath.

My mouth opened and shut like a fish on land. My hands flung around as I panicked. Soon I started gasping for air.

I sat up. My gasps becoming quieter. Soon I could breath again.

"Y/n?" I heard Nidals voice. I whiped around. "Yeah?" I answerd. "Are you alright?" He said.

I just shrugged and got up. I went downstairs and into the kitchen to get a drink. I picked up a glass and felt a pain in the palm of my hand.

I dropped the glass smashing it. I fell to my knees hunching over clutching my palm.

I saw a wasp emerge from the remains of the glass. "Great just great. I really needed this right now wow!" I said sarcasticly to myself.

"What do you mean?" Nidal asked. I jumped. "Uh nothing!" I said in a higher voice than usal. Nidal crossed his arms raising an eye brow.

I stood up and grabbed a brush and started sweeping up the glass. I tipped it into the bin and ran past him and into my sleeping bag.

My throat started getting itchy and tight. Yep still allergic to wasp stings. I jumped up and ran to my bag.

I could feel my Airways closing. I struggled for breath. I fumbled through my bag for my epipen. I couldn't find it.

I ran back out of the room. "Nidal! Nidal help!" I shouted. He came running. My breathing coming out in sharp wheezes. "Epipen, help." I said collapsing to the floor.

I couldn't breath. I lay on the floor until I felt a sharp pain in my leg. Slowly my breathing went back to normal.

"Thanks." I said. Nidal pulled me up and smiled. "No problem!" He said. "Please don't tell anyone, no one knows I carry round an epipen." I mumbled looking at the floor.

"Hey no worries at least I knew what to do!" He said laughing it off. I chuckled. I gave him a quick smile before going back to my sleeping bag.

The next morning me and the girls did skincare together and got very wet. We decided to pick each others fits.

I picked Peytons, Peyton picked Salishes and Salish picked mine. I had green cargos and a white cropped turtle neck. Salish had blue cargo jeans and a purple crop top. Peyton had grey parachute pants and a white crop top.

I pulled on my Nike socks and did my hair. I curled it and had it down. Then we went downstairs to have breakfast with the boys.

Nidal smiled at me and I smiled back. Peyton noticed and giggled nudging Salish and whispering in her ear.

I sat next to Salish and Nidal. We had pastries and smoothie. Then it was time for us to go home.

Since we where at my house I stayed. I went on my phone for a bit.

A couple of weeks later I was on WhatsApp when Nidal on a group chat with me and Salish.

He was talking about his next video and he had two spare tickets and was wondering if we wanted to go.

Salish couldn't as she had a big solo competition. I said I could go.

I was really excited to go to Kalahari with Nidal and his sister. I went to find some clothes ready for Friday.

I scrambled through my closet and pulled out a pair of Nike shorts and a white t shirt.

I grabbed my black bikini and put the clothes in a pile. I then told my parents and they said yes.

I was to excited to go to sleep. Soon Friday came and I wished Salish good luck with training then got changed.

I put on a hoodie and put my hair into a high ponytail. I then grabbed my phone and card and ran downstairs.

I waited outside for Nidals mum to pick me up. Soon enough their car pulled up and I walked down the steps.

I opened the back door and got in. Jiji was in the front with her mum and me and Nidal where in the back. Jiji put up the camera and started.

"I can time-lapse it so it looks cool!" She said to Nidal. He nodded. "So Y/n how's gymnastics going?" Jiji asked.

"Great thanks I'm trying the biles ll on the floor now." I replied. "That's great what's the biles ll?" Jiji asked laughing.

I laughed. "It's a really cool trick!" Nidal said. "Nice!" Jiji said. Me and Nidal started flicking round my hair band.

I flicked it and it flew somewhere near Nidal. We looked around for it but had no luck. We started laughing and couldn't stop.

Jiji raised an eyebrow at us. "I honestly ship you two!" She mused watching us two grabbing onto each other laughing.

"First me and Salish now me and Y/n?" Nidal laughed. The car pulled into the car park and we jumped out.

Jiji filmed us. We went on loads of slides. Then Jiji dared me to go down the biggest and scariest one. I accepted.

We climbed up all the stairs and finally reached the top. They put me in the tube and gave me instructions.

I shot down the trap door water going everywhere. I hopped out of the slide at the bottom.

I was about to walk back up to the others when I heard a familiar scream coming down the slide. I grinned. Nidal shot out of the end.

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