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He hastily got up and jumped out. "Have fun!" I smirked. "Yeah, it wasn't scary at all!" He lied.

He took my hand, and I smiled. We waited for Jiji to come back down again.

When she came down with the camera, we quickly let our hands go.

Jiji jumped down, and we followed her to get some food. I wasn't that hungry, so I didn't get anything.

"You better not say you're hungry because you ain't having my food!" Nidal said. I laughed.

After a while of sitting on my phone whilst Nidal ate, he looked up at me.

"What?" I asked, turning off my phone.

"Please at least have a chip." He said. "I'm alright. I had a big breakfast this morning." I said.

Nidal threw a chip at my face. "Y/n, come sit next to me." He said. I stood up and sat on the chair next to him.

He picked up a chip. "Here comes the aeroplane!" He sang. I laughed and reluctantly opened my mouth.

He dropped it in. He picked up another one. I grabbed it out of his hand and ate it.

I laughed at his shocked face. "Hurry up, you two!" Jiji groaned. Nidal gave me the last chip and stood up.

He grabbed my hand, and we ran away from Jiji and to the arcade.

"Let's hide from her in this maze thing." I said. Nidal nodded and dragged me in.

Straight away, he walked into a mirror. I let go of his hand and started laughing really hard.

He ran off. "Hey! No fair." I said and started to walk with my hands in front of me.

I saw Nidal. "Nidal, hey!" I said. He came and pushed me. I fell over. "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I thought you were a mirror!" He said.

I giggled and sat up. He pulled me up. We finished the maze, and Jiji ran over.

She had the camera and was filming.

"Nidal, I caught you in four k!" She said. "What!" He said.

"You pushed Y/n over!" She said. Nidal let out a sigh of relief.

"Uh, but I also caught you two holding hands!" She said excitedly. I went red and looked at the floor.

"Yeah, because I didn't want her to hurt herself." He winked at me. I snorted.

Soon, we had to go back. I got into the car wrapped up in my towel. I snapped Salish and asked about her competition.

She had come fourth. She was upset about it.

"Y/n." Nidal said. I looked up. "Yuh?" I replied.

"We should do this more. I had fun. You remind me of Salish so much." He said.

"Yeah. That would be nice. Salish should come too." I said. Nidal slowly nodded.

"I don't want to just replace her, you know." I said. He nodded again. "She's known you for ages, and I don't want to spoil that." I said.

"True." He answered. He patted my shoulder and closed his eyes. I went back on my phone and snapped Salish.

I felt something against my shoulder. Nidal was fast asleep. His head rested on my shoulder.

I rolled my eyes.

"We only just met the other day, dude." I said quietly and shook my head.

I, too, slowly felt my eyes closing.

"Y/n wake up!" Jiji said, shaking my shoulder.

I yelled and sat up. She started laughing. I looked around. I was in the car, and Nidal was next to me laughing, too.

"Y/n, we are here!" Jiji said.

I jumped out of the car after thanking Neshan for driving me. I waved goodbye and ran up to my house.

I opened the door straight away. I knew something was about to happen.

It was five, and I was hungry, so I went into the kitchen and started to make a fruit salad.

I heard a noise and quickly stopped what I was doing.

I was frozen with fear. I was supposed to be home alone. But I had a feeling I wasn't.

I slowly turned around, my heart thumping in my chest.

I grabbed the kitchen knife, my hands shaking. A bang came from upstairs.

I covered my mouth, and tears started pouring down my face. I made my way into the bathroom.

I quietly shut the door and locked it. I took a deep shuddering breath and took my phone out of my pocket.

I dialled nine one one and waited for them to get me the police.

"What seems to be the problem?" They asked.

"Someone's broken into my house." I whispered quietly.

I heard someone coming down the stairs.

"Please send over the police their coming downstairs. I'm locked in the bathroom. I've turned on my location and sent it. Please, my phone is about to die." I said down the phone.

My phone turned off, and I cursed myself for not charging it.

Whoever it was had made their way to the kitchen. I heard things smashing. I looked down in my other hand and saw the knife.

Adrenaline surged through my body, and I unlocked the door.

I headed to the kitchen and peeped around the door.

Something 'bout You [Nidal Wonder x fem reader]Where stories live. Discover now