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AFTER THE RAVEN-HAIRED woman finally parked her car on the side of the road, Tessa melted into the seat for a short moment and let out an exhausted sigh

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AFTER THE RAVEN-HAIRED woman finally parked her car on the side of the road, Tessa melted into the seat for a short moment and let out an exhausted sigh. Tiredness was written all over her face and her head was throbbing. She carefully raised her hand to the small gash above her eyebrow and winced in pain as her warm fingers came into contact with the open wound.

The blood was dry, but there wasn't a crust over the wound yet. Tessa was lucky, it was really just a small injury that could have been much worse. She had already roughly wiped away the blood from under her nose, but it started to drip every now and then during the drive to Charmingᅳ as it did again now.

"Oh come on!" She groaned in annoyance while she reached with her right hand in the glove compartment, taking out a pack of tissues.

"Fuckin' asshole", Tessa cursed under her breath as she also fished a small mirror out of her bag on the passenger seat and then wiped off the dripping blood.

After two minutes the blood finally stopped running like a waterfall and Tessa wiped the red liquid from her skin as best she could with the dry tissue, irritating her skin a little. Her lips formed into a thin line as a new wave of anger ripped through her.

She looked like absolute shit. And not knowing if her nose was broken or not pissed her off even more. But that wasn't important at the moment. Maria Lowman was worse and her only request to Tessa was that she would tell Happy where she was.

The drive hadn't taken long; Tessa had reached her without any problems. Because of her father's many moves, Tessa probably knew almost half of California by heart. All she had to do was ask a passerby where the clubhouse was because she had never been here before.

Happy may have been her stepbrother, although Tessa thought that was an exaggerationᅳ after all, her father had only been with Maria for three years, not even married, and she only saw Happy at Christmas, Maria's birthdays or when he brought her money for her meds. And when he stopped by unannounced Tessa was usually at work and not even home. Which meant Tessa and Happy saw each other maybe five to seven times a year.

It was almost  impossible to build a bond with her “stepbrother”. Which didn't mean she didn't like him. Happy was never really talkative, but when he exchanged a few words with her, he seemed to really want to get to know more about her.

Full of worry and guilt, Tessa finally slipped out of her old, beat-up BMW and hurried through the large gate that was open. At least she didn't have to ring the bell or anythingᅳ that would've made shit much more awkward.

Her gaze swept through the crowd to scan for Happy. She pushed her way through cheerful people who were all in partying and drinking, and every now and then she caught women giving men head or sitting half-naked on their laps, their tongues almost in the men's throats. This was definitely a special party, Tessa could tell.

The music only blared louder as she entered the clubhouse, making her headache ten times worse. Normally the smell of nicotine and alcohol didn't bother her. She had already thrown one or two parties herself. Only the smell of cheap pussy made her wrinkle her nose.

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