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In car...

" I don't wanna go home..." Jm mumbled as turning towards yoongi..

" I want more drinks.. please tae..take me at club.." jm mumbled again as coming close to yg..

" Tae... When have you change your perfume??... But this is really nice ... this is totally my type.." jm stated in shaking voice.. while smelling yoongi's neck.. intensely..

" Ah...jimin..." Yg said while quickly turned the car ..which he was about to crashed when jm went closer to him...

" Tae.. look at me .. i think.. you are not my tae .. " jm replied while looking at yoongi with barely open eyes..
" Jimin.. don't do this ... " Yg added while looking at jimin's soul...
" Oh.. tae you are good at driving.. i think.. you might defeat 'that guy'.. " Jm said during comes back into own seat..

" Jimin...jimin.." yg said ...

" Tae .. your voice is not very familiar.. i think I hate this tone of voice.. " jm mumbled..

" Ah.. now i got it.. who's voice is this..??..that fucking Prof.Min.. " jm added and anger is clearly seen by his eyes..

" Why are you hate him to much..??.." yg  asked..

" Because... Because... I ...I...hate him... Because.. i don't know.." jm mumbled..

" I think you don't wanna learn something good.. that's why.. you hate him.." yg said ..

" I think so.. but tae you know.. that day when Jane broke up with me.. she said I don't know how to love someone..how to care about someone..." Jm said while leaning against seat..

" What do you think..??.. i really don't know..??..I am really foolish..???.." jm questioned as closing eyes.. but unknowingly his tears comes out .. and falling on his cherry cheeks...

" Jimin..." Yg said during Stop the car in front of his house..

" Jimin... don't cry .. babes.. i think sometimes we have be deserve ..better one .. that's why.. "

" Now let's go.. we arrive.." yg said while making jm to wrapped his one arm over to own shoulder and holding him from his waist...

In home..

" Oo.. yoongi..." Mr.park said as opening the door..

" Jimin... " Mr.park mumbled as looking at jimin..

" Oh .. uncle..he was drinking in our bar and after that he passed out..so I got him.." yg stated and making things cleared up..

" Um.. uncle.. can you carry him now..??.. i should go..." Yg said and leaves..

" This brat.." Mr.park mumbled..and making jimin lyied on bed in jimin' s room..

....Other side....

Yoongi's pov..

Oh how much emotional he is .. he is totally different..when he drunk.. he looked like innocent kid .. but who knows..he is rich spoiled brat.. and he also curious about that guy ( smirking)..
I know he sent Mark to make him reveal..but poor he .. i know this shit .. i know he likes to win.. i remember..when we were near 5 years old .. he always compitated with me ..no matter..that he was always defeated by  me .. but .. at that time .. he was very innocent..very polite..and he always liked to play with me .. not with jk.. because they always ended up with fighting to each other..


Stay tuned...

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