Pokemon Emerald: May's Kidnapping

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There is a young teenage girl battling a youngster with his poocheyena on route 121 in the hoenn region. She had her brown hair in long pigtails with cute grey eyes and a neat smile. She was wearing an orange and black shirt with a red and white bandana tied around the top of her head. 

Youngster: Wow! You beat me! You must be an amazing trainer! What's your name?

May: You're not so bad yourself. My name is May, from Littleroot town. We should battle again sometime

Youngster: You got it! see you later! 

May: Lilycove City should be just past this route. I can't wait to go shopping!

May returned her pokeballs to her fanny pack and set off. Little did she know, there were two spies who were watching the young girl. May arrived at the Lilycove Pokemon center and checked into a room. Sometime later, the power went out and May was confused. 

May: What the? What in the world just happen-Hmmph!?

Suddenly, the two spies covered her mouth with a cloth that was filled with chloroform, putting May into a deep sleep. The spies then picked the unconscious girl up and stuffed her into a body bag before escaping in a van.

Spy 1: Mission Success!

Spy 2: Mwahahahaha!


Several hours later...

May: Uhhg, what happened?

Spy 1: Finally you wake up. I was starting to get bored.

May: Gasp! It's you!

Right in front of her was Shelly, a Team Aqua admin as well as another grunt. May tried to send out her pokemon but she couldn't move her hands. She then realized that her hands with bound with rope behind her back to prevent her from escaping.

May: What do you want with me? Let me out of here!

Shelly: We are going to use you as bait for that bratty boy who keeps messing up our plans.

May: Brendan!

Shelly: Exactly! But this is also revenge for you humiliating us back at Meteor falls.

May: You won't get away with this!

Shelly: Grunt! bring me some more rope.

Spy 2: Yes ma'am!

The Aqua grunt did exactly what he was told and returned with a large bundle of rope and handed it to Shelly. May then realized what was going to happen and that she wasn't going to like it.

Shelly: Come here you brat!

May: No! Stay away from me!

Shelly then grabbed May's arms and tied them together at the elbows. Shelly then proceeded to bind May's torso and arms together and finished by binding the girl's thighs and ankles. 

May: Let me go you Freak! I will escape and defeat you!

Shelly: Exactly why I have taken the proper precautions just in case.

She then revealed a large roll of duct tape as a "rip" sound was heard. Shelly used the tape to close the gaps between May's bindings, almost restraining her completely from movement. 

Shelly: And now for the best part.

Shelly adds the finishing touches by stuffing a dirty sock into May's mouth before placing a few strips of tape over the girl's lips.

May: Hmmmph!

Shelly: And now our mission is done. Please leave grunt.

Spy 2: Yes ma'am! See you brat!

Shelly: Now to do some stuff to you as ransom.

May: Mmph?

Shelly sits down next to the bound and gagged girl and starts to touch her body, she touches her tied up legs before moving upwards where she touches and squeezes the girls boobs, despite them being small. 

Shelly: You liking it brat? I have plenty of more ideas.

May: Hmmph! Mmph Mmhph!

Shelly: I'll take that as a yes. I however, have to deliver your pokemon to the boss. 

May: Mmph!

Shelly: Aw, don't cry. I'll be back to play with you soon.

Shelly then leaves the cell and closes the door, locking it tight to ensure her prisoner wouldn't be able to leave. May tried her best to escape but the bindings proved to be too tight for her to escape. 

As May sits in the cell helpless, she continues to scream out through her gag but it was no use.

May: Mmph! Mmhph! Hmmmph!

As May continues to struggle, she eventually wore herself out and fell asleep. Next thing she knew, she was waking up in her room back at the pokemon center. Was it all a crazy dream? Or was it real? She guessed she would never find out. 

Pokemon Emerald: May's kidnappingWhere stories live. Discover now