❣️부분 16🤫

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Lee mansion
A/n Pov -

Suzy, honey where are you? - jongsuk

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Suzy, honey where are you? - jongsuk

Babe, in the kitchen - suzy

What are you doing? - jongsuk back hugging suzy

Packing lunch for kids, they both are so busy with the work - suzy

Ohh Mom! dad! No PDA - Na-eun and tae giggle

Oh shut up you will also do the same or may be already done - suzy and both kids get shy

Look look they are blushing that means they have done. This punk! I have told both of them no hanky panky before marriage, wait let me call them - jongsuk with fake angry

No dad please they didn't do any hanky panky, we are comfortable with them, why are you getting angry - tae and na-eun nodded

Look suzy they are taking their soon to be husband side before marriage, *fake sob* they have already plan to leave us - jongsuk while acting but it hit both the kids hard

N-ooo appa, No dad-- - tae and na-eun while sobbing for real panicking both parents

Jongsuk, idiot look your acting cause them to cry, babies don't cry he was just acting, we know you will never leave us. - suzy consoling them

I am sorry kids, I was just kidding - jongsuk while hugging them

Dad, we will never leave you. Even we get married we will take care of you. We are son's of this house - na-eun

Yes eomma, no worries we will be always together - tae

I am proud of you two and na-eun you are a strong and pretty daughter don't need to be son, you are enough for us. - suzy and na-eun hug her

Yes, lets stay togther forever - jongsuk and hug tae

*After there emotional drama*

Okay, kids you are getting late so take this lunch, don't miss it okay - suzy and kids nodded

Also, if you guys have someone so close to you and want to invite on wedding and engagement than you can tell them by face, once we get the digital invite I will share with you - jongsuk

Okay dad we will do that, come on tae - na-eun and tae said bye

Bye take care - suzy

*in living room*

Baby, I got a call from Haechul saying he booked the King Hotel from 25 FEB to 3 MARCH - jongsuk

Oh wow that's great, I got a call form Jackson also, he ask me the design for digital invite and I have given. Soon you will receive the draft copy, check it and if you like It, approve it - suzy and jongsuk nodded

Great, so now as the main is done, let's call our close relative on call and ask them to come. - jongsuk

Sure, Oh elder shayala you are going somewhere? - suzy

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